Brown trout have been stocked since decades in Swiss rivers to maintain a declining population without obvious beneficial results. Proliferative Kidney Disease is discussed as one important factor that leads to massive trout decline. But why do stocked fish not survive as expected when released into the wild?
Three groups of brown trout will be analyzed in their immune responses and epigenome to understand why and how the early environment can have an impact on disease development and on fish fitness towards disease. After infection of wild and stocked brown trout juveniles with the parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, we will measure and compare immune responses and epigenetic differences to understand if different rearing conditions in early life or even of their ancestors have an impact on their natural immune defenses.
Project lead: PD, Dr. med. vet. Heike Schmidt-Posthaus, Dr. med. vet. Helena Saura Martinez
Last updated: 2020/11/26