





Please consult the University of Bern Publication database BORIS for publications before 2020.






Please consult the University of Bern Publication database BORIS for publications before 2020.

  • Ardüser F, Moore-Jones G, Gobeli Brawand S, Dürr S, Steiner A, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Zanolari P. 2019 Dichelobacter nodosus in sheep, cattle, goats and South American camelids in Switzerland-Assessing prevalence in potential hosts in order to design targeted disease control measures. PVM Preventive Veterinary Medicine 6: 104688.
  • Bailey C, Wernicke von Siebenthal E, Rehberger K, Segner H. 2019. Transcriptomic analysis of the impacts of ethinylestradiol (EE2) and its consequences for proliferative kidney disease outcome in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 222C: 31-38.
  • Baumann L, Segner H, Ros A, Knapen D, Vergauwen L. 2019. Thyroid hormone disruptors interfere with molecular pathways of eye development and function in fish. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20:1543.
  • Baumann B, Holbech H, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Moissl AP, Hennies M, Tiedemann J, Weltje L, Segner H, Braunbeck T. 2019. Does hepatotoxicity interfere with endocrine activity in zebrafish (Danio re-rio)? Chemosphere 238: 124589
  • Bo J, Yang Y, Zheng R, Fang C, Jiang Y, Liu J, Chen M, Hong F, Bailey C, Segner H, Wang K. 2019. Antimicrobial activity and mechanisms of multiple antimicrobial peptides isolated from rockfish, Se-bastes marmoratus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 93: 1007-1017.
  • Brack W,Ait-Aissa S, Backhaus T, Birk S, Barcelo D, Burgess R, Cousins I, Dulio V, Escher BI, Focks A, van Gils J, Ginebreda A, Hering D, Hewitt ML, Hilscherova K, Hollender J, Hollert H, Köck-Schulmeyer M, Kortenkamp A, Lopez de Alda M, Müller C, Posthuma L, Schymanski E, Segner H, Sleuuwaert F, Slobodnik J, Teodorovic Umbuzeiro G de A, Voulvoulis N, van Wezel A, Altenburger R. 2019. Strengthen the European collaborative environmental research to meet European policy goals for achieving a sustainable, non-toxic environment. Environmental Sciences Europe 31: 63.
  • Brack W,Ait-Aissa S, Altenburger R, Cousins I, Dulio V, Escher BI, Focks A, Ginebreda A, Hering D, Hilscherova K, Hollender J, Hollert H, Kortenkamp A, Lopez de Alda M, Posthuma L, Schymanski E, Segner H, Slobodnik J. 2019. Let us empower the WFD to prevent risks of chemical pollution in European rivers and lakes. Editorial. Environmental Sciences Europe 31:47.
  • Delalay G, Berezowski J, Diserens N, Schmidt-Posthaus H. 2019. Characteristics of bacterial isolations in Swiss farmed and ornamental fish from a retrospective study from 2000 to 2017. Schweizer Ar-chiv für Tierheilkunde, 161: 43-57.
  • Fang C, Zheng R, Chen H, Hong F, Lin L, Lin H, Guo H, Bailey C, Segner H, Mu J, Bo J. 2019. Com-parison of microplastic contamination in fish and bivalves from two major cities in Fujian province, China, and the implications for human health. Aquaculture 512: 734322.
  • Goncalves RA, Menanteau-Ledouble S, Schöller M, Eder A, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Mackenzie S, El-Matbouli M. 2019. Effects of deoxynivalenol exposure time and contamination levels on rainbow trout. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 50:137–154
  • Pisano SRR, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Rossi L, Peano A, Keckeis K, Roosje P. 2019a. Sarcoptic mange of fox origin in multiple farm animals and scabies in humans, Switzerland, 2018. Emerging Infectious Diseases 25:1235–1238.
  • Pisano SRR, Zimmermann F, Rossi L, Capt S, Akdesir E, Bürki R, Kunz F, Origgi FC, Ryser-Degiorgis MP. 2019. Spatiotemporal Spread of Sarcoptic Mange in the Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) in Switzer-land Over More Than 60 Years: Lessons Learnt From Comparative Analysis of Multiple Surveil-lance Tools. Parasites and Vectors 12: 521.
  • Portier J, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Hutchings MR, Monchâtre-Leroy E, Richomme C, Larrat S, van der Poel WHM, Dominguez M, Linden A, Santos PT, Warns-Petit E, Chollet JY, Cavalerie L, Grandmontagne C, Boadella M, Bonbon E, Artois M. 2019. Multi-host disease management: the why and the how to include wildlife. BMC Veterinary Research 15:295.
  • Rampacci E, Masi M, Origgi FC, Stefanetti V, Bottinelli M, Selleri P, Coletti M, Passamonti F. 2019. First molecular detection of ball python nidovirus in Italy. Acta Veterinaria Hungaria 67:127-134.
  • Rieder JM, Vonlanthen P, Seehausen O, Lcek K. 2019. Allopatric and sympatric diversification within Roach (Rutilus rutilus) of large pre-alpine lakes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32:1174-1185.
  • Rubin A, de Coulon P, Bailey C, Segner H, Wahli T, Rubin JF. 2019. Keeping a wild eye on brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations: correlations between temperature, environmental parameters and Pro-liferative Kidney Disease. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6:281. Rupp M, Knüsel R, Sindilariu PD, Schmidt-Posthaus H. 2019. Identification of important pathogens in European perch (Perca fluviatilis) culture in recirculating aquaculture systems. Aquaculture Interna-tional 27: 1045-1053. 10.1.
  • Rupp M, Pilo P, Muller B, Knüsel R, von Siebenthal B, Frey J, Sindilariu PD, Schmidt-Posthaus H. 2019. Systemic infection in European perch with thermoadapted virulent Aeromonas salmonicida (Perca fluviatilis). Journal of Fish Diseases 42: 685–691.
  • Schirmer K,Stadnicka-Michalak J, Blaha L, Bols NC, Dyer SD, Embry MR, Fischer M, Halder M, Her-mens J, Hultman MT, Kramer N, Laue H,Lee LEJ, Lillicrap A, Natsch A, Segner H, Tanneberger K,, Tollefsen KE, Werner I, Witters H. 019. Cell-based data to predict the toxicity of chemicals to fish. Commentary on the manuscript by Rodrigues et al., 2019. Cell-based assays seem not to accu-rately predict fish short-term toxicity of pesticides. Environmental Pollution 254: 113060.
  • Steinbach C, Císař P, Šauer P, Klicnarová J, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Golovko O, Kocour Kroupová H. 2019. Synthetic progestin etonogestrel negatively affects mating behaviour and reproduction in Endler’s guppies (Poecilia wingei). Science of the Total Environment, 663: 206-215.
  • Wheeler JR, Segner H, Weltje L, Hutchinson TH (2019). Interpretation of sexual secondary characteris-tics (SSCs) in regulatory testing for endocrine activity in fish. Chemosphere 240: 124943.
  • Yon L, Duff JP, Ågren EO, Erdélyi K, Ferroglio E, Godfroid J, Hars J, Hestvik G, Horton D, Kuiken T, Lavazza A, Markowska-Daniel I, Martel A, Neimanis A, Pasmans F, Price SJ, Ruiz-Fons F, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Widén F, Gavier-Widén D. 2019. Recent changes in infectious diseases in Europe-an wildlife. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 55:3–43.
  • Aguilar-Bultet L, Nicholson P, Rychener L, Dreyer M, Gözel B, Origgi FC, Oevermann A, Frey J and Falquet L. (2018). Genetic separation of Listeria monocytogenes causing central nervous system in- fections in animals. Frontiers in Cellular and Molecular Microbiology 8: 20.
  • Akdesir E, Origgi FC, Wimmershoff J, Frey J, Frey CF, Ryser-Degiorgis MP (2018). Causes of mortality and morbidity in free-ranging mustelids in Switzerland: necropsy data from over 50 years of general health surveillance. BMC Veterinary Reserach 14: 195.
  • Bailey C, Rubin A, Strepparava N, Segner H, Rubin JF, Wahli T. (2018). Do fish get wasted? Assessing the influence of effluents on parasitic infection of wild fish. PeerJ, 6: e5956.
  • Bailey C, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Segner H, Wahli T, Strepparava N. (2018). Are brown trout Salmo trutta fario and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss two of a kind? A comparative study of salmonids to temperature influenced Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae infection. Journal of Fish Diseases, 41: 191-198
  • Bailey C, Strepparava N, Wahli T, Segner H. (2018). Exploring the immune response, tolerance and re- sistance in proliferative kidney disease of salmonids. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 90: 165-175.
  • Casanova-Nakayama, A., Wernicke von Siebenthal, E., Kropf, C., Oldenberg, E., Segner, H. (2018). Im- mune-specific expression and estrogenic regulation of the four estrogen receptor isoforms in fe- male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19: 932.
  • Caswell JL, Bassel LL, Rothenburger JL, Gröne A, Sargeant JM, Beck AP, Ekman S, Gibson-Corley KN, Kuiken T, LaDouceur EEB, Meyerholz DK, Origgi FC, Posthaus H, Priestnall SL, Ressel L, Sharkey L, Teixeira LBC, Uchida K, Ward JM, Webster JD, Yamate J. (2018). Observational study design in veterinary pathology, Part 1: Study design. Veterinary Pathology 55: 607-621.
  • Caswell JL, Bassel LL, Rothenburger JL, Gröne A, Sargeant JM, Beck AP, Ekman S, Gibson-Corley KN, Kuiken T, LaDouceur EEB, Meyerholz DK, Origgi FC, Posthaus H, Priestnall SL, Ressel L, Sharkey L, Teixeira LBC, Uchida K, Ward JM, Webster JD, Yamate J. (2018). Observational study design in veterinary pathology, Part 2: Methodology. Veterinary Pathology 55: 774-785.
  • Duchaud E, Rochat T, Habib C, Barbier P, Loux V, Guérin C, Daalsgard I, Madsen L, Nilsen H, Sundell K, Wiklund T, Strepparava N, Wahli T, Caburlotto G, Manfrin A, Wiens GD, Fujiwara-Nagata E, Avendaño-Herrera R, Bernardet J-F, Nicolas P. (2018). Genomic diversity and evolution of the fish pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9: 138.
  • Haas C, Origgi FC, Rossi S, López-Olvera JR, Rossi L, Castillo-Contreras R, Malmsten A, Dalin AM, Orusa R, Robetto S, Pignata L, Lavín S, Ryser-Degiorgis MP. (2018). Serological survey in wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Switzerland and other European countries: Sarcoptes scabiei may be more widely distributed than previously thought. BMC Veterinary Research 14: 117.
  • Hydeskov HB, Dastjerdi A, Hopkins KP, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Widen F, Cunningham AA, Lawson B. (2018). Detection and characterization of multiple herpesviruses in free-living Western European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaueus). Scientific Reports 8: 13942
  • Keller C, Wenker C, Jermann T, Hirschi R, Schildger B, Meier R, Schmidt-Posthaus H. (2018). Piscine mycobacteriosis – Involvement of bacterial species and reflection in pathology. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160: 385-393.
  • Marenzoni ML, Santoni L, Felici A, Maresca C, Stefanetti V, Sforna M, Franciosini MP, Casagrande Proietti P, Origgi FC. (2018). Clinical, virological and epidemiological characterization of an outbreak of Testudinid Herpesvirus 3 in a chelonian captive breeding facility: Lessons learned and first evi- dence of TeHV3 vertical transmission. PLoS One 13: e0197169.
  • Marreros N, Zürcher-Giovannini S, Origgi FC, Djelouadji Z, Wimmershoff J, Pewsner M, Akdesir E, Ba- tista Linhares M, Kodjo A, Ryser-Degiorgis MP. (2018). Fatal leptospirosis in free-ranging Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber L.), Switzerland. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 65: 1297-1306
  • Marti I, Ryser-Degiorgis MP. (2018). A tooth wear scoring scheme for age estimation of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) under field conditions. European Journal of Wildlife Research 64: 37.
  • Marti I, Pisano SR, Wehrle M, Meli M, Hofmann-Lehmann R, Ryser-Degiorgis MP. (2018). Severe Con- junctivitis Associated with Chlamydia felis Infection in a Free-ranging Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 55: 2.
  • Marti I, Ryser-Degiorgis MP. (2018). Morphometric characteristics of free-ranging Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Switzerland and their suitability for age determination. Wildlife Biology 1: 2018.
  • Meier RK, Ryser-Degiorgis MP. (2018). Wild boar and infectious diseases: evaluation of the current risk to human and domestic animal health in Switzerland: a review. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 160: 443-460.
  • Nichols J, Fay K, Bernhard MJ, Bischof I, Davis J, Halder M, Hu J, Johanning K, Laue H, Nabb D, Schlechtriem C, Segner H, Swintek J, Weeks J, Embry M. (2018). Reliability of in vitro methods used to measure intrinsic clearance of hydrophobic organic chemicals by fish: Results of an international ring trial. Toxicological Sciences 164: 563-575.
  • Norberg-King TJ, Embry MR, Belanger SE, Braunbeck T, Butler JD, Dorn PB, Farr B, Guiney PD, Hughes SA, Jeffries M, Journel R, Lèonard M, McMaster M, Oris JT, Ryder K, Segner H, Senac T, Van Der Kraak G, Whale G, Wilson P. (2018). An international perspective on the tools and concepts for effluent toxicity assessments in the context of animal alternatives. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37: 2745-2757.
  • Origgi FC, Schmidt BR, Lohmann P, Otten P, Meier RK, Pisano SR, Moore-Jones G, Tecilla M, Sattler U, Wahli T, Gaschen V, Stoffel MH. (2018). Bufonid herpesvirus 1 (BfHV1) associated dermatitis and mortality in free ranging common toads (Bufo bufo) in Switzerland. Scientific Reports 8: 14737.
  • Pewsner M, Origgi FC, Frey J, Ryser-Degiorgis MP. (2018). Assessing fifty years of general health sur- veillance of Roe Deer in Switzerland: a retrospective analysis of necropsy reports. PLoS One 12: e0170338.
  • Ravasi D, De Respinis S, Wahli T. (2018). Multilocus sequence typing reveals clonality in Saprolegnia parasitica outbreaks. Journal of Fish Diseases 41: 1653-1665.
  • Rehberger K, Kropf C, Segner H. (2018). In vitro or not in vitro: a short journey through a long history. Environmental Sciences Europe 30: 23.
  • Siebenthal E W V, Rehberger K, Bailey C, Ros A, Herzog E L, Segner H. (2018). Trade-offs underwater: Physiological plasticity of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) confronted by multiple stressors. Fishes 3: 49.
  • Strepparava N, Segner H, Ros A, Hartikainen H, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Wahli T. (2018). Temperature- related parasite infection dynamics: the case of Proliferative Kidney Disease of brown trout. Para- sitology 145: 281-291.
  • Strobel A, Mark F, Segner H, Holm P. (2018). Expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor-regulated genes and superoxide dismutase in the Antarctic eelpout, Pachycara brachycephalum, exposed to ben- zo(a)pyrene. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37: 1487-1495.
  • Strobel A, Schmid P, Burkhardt-Holm P, Segner H, Zennegg M. (2018). Persistent organic pollutants in red- and white-blooded High Antarctic notothenioid fish from the remote Weddell Sea. Chemo- sphere 193: 213-222.
  • Tecilla M, Bielli M, Origgi FC. (2018). Polycystic Kidney-like Disease in a Red-ear Slider Turtle (Trache- mys scripta elegans). Journal of Comparative Pathology 164: 44-47.
  • Van den Brink PJ, Boxal ABA, Maltby L, Brooks BW, Rudd MA, Backhaus T, Spurgeon D, Vergstraete V, Ajao C, Ankley GT, Apitz SE, Arnold K, Brodin T, Canedo-Arguelles M, Chapman J, Corrales J, Coutellec MA, Fernandes TF, Fick J, Ford AT, Papiol GG, Groh KJ, Hutchinson TH, Kruger H, Kukkonnen JVK, Loutseti S, Marshall S, Muir D, Ortiz-Santaliestra M, Paul KB, Rico A, Rodea- Palomares I, Römbke J, Rydberg T, Segner H, Smit M, van Gestel CAM, Vighi M, Werner I, Zim- mer EI, van Wensem J. (2018). Towards sustainable environmental quality: priority research ques- tions for Europe. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37: 2281-2295.
  • Wahli T, Madsen L. (2018). Flavobacteria, a never ending threat for fish: a review. Current Clinical Mi- crobiology Reports, 5: 26-37.
  • Wozny M, Obremski K, Hliwa P, Gomulka P, Rozynski R, Wojtacha P, Florczyk M, Segner H, Bruzan P. (2018). Feed contamination with zearalenone promotes growth but affects the immune system of rainbow trout. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 84: 680-694.
  • Ye RR, Peterson DR, Kitamura SI, Segner H, Seemann F, Au DTW. (2018). Sex-specific immunomodu- latory action of the environmental estrogen 17α-ethynylestradiol alongside with reproductive im- pairment in fish. Aquatic Toxicology 203: 95-106.
  • linesterase from three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). applications in biomonitoring. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19, 1607-1615.
  • Bailey C, Segner H, Casanova-Nakayama A, Wahli T (2017). Who needs the hotspot? The effect of temperature on the fish host immune response to Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae the causative agent of proliferative kidney disease. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 63:424-437.
  • Bailey C, Segner H, Wahli T (2017). What goes around comes around: an investigation of resistance to proliferative kidney disease in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) following experimental re-exposure. Journal of Fish Diseases 40: 1599-1612.
  • Carraro L, Bertuzzo E, Mari L, Fontes I, Hartikainen H, Strepparava N, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Wahli T, Jokela J, Gatto M, Rinaldo A (2017). Integrated field, laboratory, and theoretical study of PKD spread in a Swiss prealpine river. PNAS 114, 45.
  • Cieslak M, Wahli T, Diserens N, Haenen OLM, Schütze H (2017). Phylogeny of the infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in European aquaculture. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0184490.
  • Diserens N, Falzon LC, von Siebenthal B, Schüpbach-Regula G, Wahli T (2017). Validation of a model for ranking aquaculture facilities for risk-based disease surveillance. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 145:32-40.
  • Guevara Soto M, Vidondo B, Vaughan L, Rubin, J-F, Segner H, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2017). Temporal development of epitheliocystis infections in brown trout (Salmo trutta) during the course of the year and comparison between consecutive years. Journal of Fish Diseases 40(6): 811-819.
  • Hawliczek-Ignarski A, Cenijn P, Legler J, Segner H, Legradi J (2017). Mode of action assignment of chemicals using toxicogenomics: a case study with oxidative uncouplers. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences 5: article 80.
  • Lange C, Lechleiter S, Bula M, Hirschi R, Schmidt- Posthaus H (2017). Mycobacterium spp. associated with proliferative lesions in pufferfish. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 37(3):126-132
  • Origgi FC, Benedicenti O, Segner H, Sattler U, Wahli T, Frey J (2017). Aeromonas salmonicida type III secretion system-effectors-mediated immune suppression in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 60: 334-345.
  • Origgi FC, Schmidt BR, Lohmann P, Otten P, Akdesir E, Gaschen V, Aguilar-Bultet L, Wahli T, Sattler U, Stoffel MH (2017). Ranid Herpesvirus 3 and Proliferative Dermatitis in Free-Ranging Wild Common Frogs (Rana temporaria). Veterinary Pathology, 54:686-694.
  • Palikova M, Papezikova I, Markova Z, Navratil S, Mares J, Mares L, Vojtek L, Hyrsl P, Jelinkova E,  Schmidt-Posthaus H (2017). Proliferative kidney disease in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under intensive breeding conditions: Pathogenesis and haematological and immune parameters. Veterinary Parasitology, 238: 5-1.
  • Pewsner M, FC Origgi FC, J Frey J, ad M-P Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2017). Assessing fifty years of general health surveillance of roe deer in Switzerland: A retrospective analysis of necropsy reports. PLOSone.
  • Pisano SRR, Howard J, Posthaus H, Kovacevic A, Yozova ID (2017). Hydrocortisone therapy in a cat with vasopressor-refractory septic shock and suspected critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency. Clinical Case Reports, 5(7): 1123-11299
  • Rehberger K, Werner I, Hitzfeld B, Segner H, Baumann L (2017). 20 Years of fish immunotoxicology – what we know and where we are, Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 47:6,: 509-535, DOI: 10.1080/10408444.2017.1288024
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Ros A, Hirschi R, Schneider E (2017). Comparative study of proliferative kidney disease in grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta fario): an exposure experiment. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 123, 193-203
  • Segner H, Verburg-van Kemenade BML, Chadzinska M (2017). The immunomodulatory function of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis: proximate mechanism for reproduction-immune trade-offs? Developmental and Comparative Immunology 66: 43-60.
  • Strobel A, Schmid P, Burkhardt-Holm P, Segner H, Zennegg M (2017). Persistent organic pollutants in red- and white-blooded High Antarctic notothenioid fish from the remote Weddell Sea. Chemosphere 193: 213-222.
  • Szwejser E, Maciuszek M, Casanova A, Homa J, Segner H, Verburg-van Kemenade L, Chadzinska M (2017). A role for multiple estrogen receptors in immune regulation of common carp. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 66: 61-72.
  • Szwejser E, Pijanowski L, Maciuszek M, Ptak A, Wartalski K, Duda M, Segner H, Verburg van Kemenade BML, Chadzinska M (2017). Stress differentially affects the systemic and leukocyte estrogen network in common carp. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 68: 190-201.
  • Thai Giang P, Burkina V, Sakalli S, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Krøyer Martin R, Randák T, Grabic R,  Grabicová K, Fedorova G, Koba O, Golovko O, Turek J, Červený D, Kolářová J, Vladimir Z (2017) Effects of multi-component mixtures from sewage treatment plant effluent on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) under fully realistic condition. Environmental Management, DOI 10.1007/s00267-017-0964-7
  • Way K, Haenen O, Stone D, Adamek M, Bergmann SM, Bigarré L, Diserens N, El-Matbouli M, Gjessing MC, Jung-Schroers V, Leguay E, Matras M, Olesen NJ, Panzarin V, Piačková V, Toffan A, Vendramin N, Veselý F, Waltzek T (2017). Emergence of carp edema virus (CEV) and its significance to European common carp and koi Cyprinius carpio. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 126:155-166.
  • Baumann L, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Segner H, Wolf JC (2016). Comment on "Uptake and accumulation of polystyrene microplastics in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and toxic effects in liver". Environmental Science & Technology 50:12521-12522.
  • Baumann L, Ros A, Rehberger K, Neuhauss SCF (2016). Thyroid disruption in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae: Different molecular response patterns lead to impaired eye development and visual functions. Aquatic Toxicology 172:44-55.
  • Bischof I, Köster J, Segner H, Schlechtriem C (2016). Hepatocytes as in vitro test system to investigate metabolite patterns of pesticides in farmed rainbow trout and common carp: comparison between in vivo and in vitro and across species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 187C:62-73.
  • Burkina V, Zamaratskaia G, Oliveira R, Fedorova G, Grabicova K, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Steinbach C, Domingues I, Golovko O, Sakalli S, Grabic R, Randak T, Zlabek V (2016). The sub-lethal effects and bioconcentration of the human pharmaceutical clotrimazole in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Chemosphere 159:10-22
  • Carraro L, Mari L, Hartikainen H, Strepparava N, Wahli T, Jokela J, Gatto M, Rinaldo A, Bertuzzo E (2016). An epidemiological model for proliferative kidney disease in salmonid populations. Parasites & Vectors 9:487.
  • Cieslak M, Mikkelsen SS, Skall HF, Baud M, Diserens N, Engelsma MY, Haenen OLM, Mousakhani S, Panzarin V, Wahli T, Olesen NJ, Schütze H (2016) Phylogeny of the Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus in European Aquaculture. PLoS One 11: e0164475.
  • Di Girolamo N, Selleri P, Di Gennaro A, Maldera M, Nardini G, Morandi B, Muzzeddu M, Origgi F, Savini G (2016). Lack of detection of West Nile virus in an islander population of chelonians during a West Nile virus outbreak. Veterinaria  Italiana. 52:169-73.
  • Frey J and Origgi FC. Type III secretion system of Aeromonas salmonicida undermining the host's immune response (2016). Frontiers in Marine Science 3:130
  • Frey CF, Regidor-Cerrillo J, Marreros N, García-Lunar P, Gutiérrez-Expósito D, Schares G, Dubey JP, Gentile A, Jacquiet P, Shkap V, Cortes H, Ortega-Mora LM, Álvarez-García G (2016). Besnoitia besnoiti lytic cycle in vitro and differences in invasion and intracellular proliferation among isolates. Parasites and Vectors 9:115.
  • Gerhards NM, Sayar BS, Origgi FC, Galichet A, Müller EJ, Welle MM, Wiener DJ (2016). Stem cell-associated marker expression in canine hair follicles. Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 64:190-204.
  • Guevara Soto M, Vidondo B, Vaughan L, Seth-Smith HMB, Nufer L, Segner H, Rubin J-F, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2016). The emergence of epitheliocystis in the upper Rhone region: evidence for Chlamydiae in wild and farm salmonid populations. Archives of Microbiology 198:315-324.
  • Guevara Soto M, Vaughan L, Segner H, Wahli T, Vidondo B, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2016). Epithelio-cystis distribution and characterization in brown trout (Salmo trutta) from the headwaters of two major European rivers, the Rhine and Rhone. Frontiers in Physiology 7:131.
  • Kaplan AJ, Stacy NI, Jacobson E, Le-Bert CR, Nollens HH, Origgi FC, Green LG, Bootorabi S, Bolten A, Hernandez JA (2016). Development and validation of a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the measurement of total plasma immunoglobulins in healthy loggerhead sea (Caretta caretta) and green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigations, 28: 5-11.
  • Kropf C, Segner H, Fent K (2016).. ABC transporters and xenobiotic defense systems in early life sta-ges of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C Toxicology and Pharmacology 185-186:45-56.
  • Nardini G, Origgi FC, Leopardi S, Zaghini A, Saunders JH, Vignoli M (2016). Preliminary evaluation of Spirotome® device for liver biopsy in green iguanas (Iguana iguana): A pilot study. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47:508-513.
  • Origgi FC, Pilo P (2016). Francisella tularensis clades B.FTN002-00 and B.13 are associated with distinct pathology in the European brown hare (Lepus europaeus). Veterinary Pathology 53:1220-1232.
  • Ott Knüsel F, Knüsel R, Doherr MG, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2016). Frequency and characterisation of internal neoplasms in Koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) in Switzerland. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 119:219-29.
  • Quesada-García A, Encinas P, Valdehita A, Baumann L, Segner H, Coll JM, Navas JM (2016). Thyroid active agents T3 and PTU differentially affect immune gene transcripts in the head kidney of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology 174:159-168.
  • Steinbach C, Kroupová HK, Wahli T, Klicnarová J, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2016). Histopathological alterations of the heart in fish: proposal for a standardized assessment. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 118:185-194.
  • Steinbach C, Burkina V, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Stara A, Kolarova J, Velisek J, Randak T, Kroupova HK (2016). Sub-lethal effects of the human therapeutic drug diltiazem on rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Chemosphere 157: 57-64.
  • Strobel A, Schmid P, Segner H, Burkhardt-Holm P, Zennegg M (2016). Persistent organic pollutants in tissues of the white-blooded Antarctic fish Champsocephalus gunnari and Chaenocephalus aceratus. Chemosphere 161:555-562.
  • Aires RF, Oliveira GA, Oliveira T, Ros AFH, Oliveira RF (2015). Dear enemies elicit lower androgen responses to territorial challenges than unfamiliar intruders in a cichlid fish. PloS ONE 10: e0137705.
  • Altenburger R, Ait-Aissa S, Antczak P, Backhaus T, Barcelo D, Seiler TB, Brion F, Busch W, Chipman K, Lopez de Alda M, Aragao Umbuzeiro G de, Escher BI, Falciani F, Faust M, Focks A, Hilscherova K, Hollender J, Hollert H, Jäger F, Jahnke A, Kortenkamp A, Krauss M, Lemkine GF,Munthe J, Neumann S, Schymanski EL, Scrimshaw S, Segner H, Slobodnik J, Smedes F, Kughatas S, Teodorovic I, Tindall AJ, Tollefsen KE, Walz KH, Williams TD, van den Brink PJ, van Gils J, Vrana B, Zhang X, Brack W (2015). Future water quality monitoring – adapting tools to deal with mixtures of pollutants in water resource management. The Science of the Total Environment 512/513: 540-551.
  • Andrews M, Stormoen M, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Wahli T, Midtlyng PJ (2015). Rapid temperature-dependent wound closure following adipose fin clipping of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. Journal of Fish Diseases, 38:523-531.
  • Batista Linhares M, Belloy L, Origgi FC, Lechner I, Segner H, Ryser-Degiorgis MP (2015). Investigating the role of free-ranging wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the re-emergence of enzootic pneumonia in domestic pig herds: a pathological, prevalence and risk-factor study. PLoS One. 10:e0119060.
  • Baumann L, Knörr S, Keiter S, Nagel T, Segner H, Braunbeck T (2015). Prochloraz causes irreversible masculinization of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22:16417-16422.
  • Becker RA, Ankley GT, Edwards SW, Kennedy SW, Linkov I, Meek B, Sachana M, Segner H, van der Burg B, Villeneuve DL, Watanabe H, Barton-Maclaren TS (2015). Increasing scientific confidence in adverse outcome pathways: application of tailored Bradford-Hill considerations for evaluating weight of evidence. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 72:514-537.
  • Beerli O, Blatter S, Boadella M, Schöning J, Prohaska S, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2015). Towards harmonized procedures in wildlife epidemiological investigations: a serosurvey of infection with Mycobacterium bovis and closely related agents in wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Switzerland. The Veterinary Journal 203:131-133.
  • Binning SA, Ros AFH, Nusbaumer D, Roche DG (2015). Physiological plasticity to water flow habitat in the damselfish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus: linking phenotype to performance. PloS ONE e0121983.
  • Brack W, Altenburger R, Schüürmann G, López Herráez D, van Gils J, Slobodnik J, Munthe J, Gawlik BM, van Wezel A, Hollender J, Tollefsen KE, Mekenyan O, Dimitrov S,  Bunke D, Cousins I, Posthuma L, van den Brink P, López de Alda M, Barceló D, Faust M, Kortenkamp A, Scrimshaw M, Ignatova S, Engelen G, Massmann G, Lemkine G,  Teodorovic I, Walz KH, Dulio V, Hermens J, Jonker MTO,  Jäger F, Chipman K, Falciani F, Liska I, Rooke D, Zhang X, Hollert H, Vrana V, Hilscherova K, Kramer K, Neumann S, Hammerbacher R, Backhaus T, Mack J, Segner H, Escher BI, de Aragão Umbuzeiro G (2015). Solutions for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management. The Science of the Total Environment 503/504:22-31.
  • Brinkmann M, Eichbaum K, Reininghaus M, Koglin S, Kammann U, Baumann L, Segner H, Zennegg M, Buchinger S, Reifferscheid G, Hollert H (2015). Towards science.-based sediment quality standards fro dioxin-like compounds – uptake and effects of field-collected ediments in rainbow trout. Aquatic Toxicology 166:50-62.
  • Connolly M, Fernandez-Cruz ML, Quesada-Garcia A, Garcia-Olias LA, Segner H, Navas JM (2015). Comparative cytotoxicity study of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in a variety of rainbow trout cell lines (RTL-W1, RTH-149, RTG-2) and primary hepatocytes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12: 5386-5405.
  • Damjanovic K, Glauser G, Bshary R, Ros AFH (2015). Intra- and interspecific social challenges modulate the levels of an androgen precursor in a seasonally territorial tropical damselfish. Hormones and Behavior 71:75–82.
  • Dobay A, Pilo P, Lindholm AK, Origgi F, Bagheri HC, König B. 2015. Dynamics of a Tularemia Outbreak in a Closely Monitored Free-Roaming Population of Wild House Mice. PLoS One10:e0141103.
  • Fagundes T, Simões MG, Saraiva JL, Ros AFH, Gonçalves D, Oliveira RF (2015). Birth date predicts alternative life history pathways in a fish with sequential reproductive tactics. Functional Ecology 29:1533–1542.
  • Fay KA, Nabb DL, Mingoia T, Bischof I, Nichols JW, Segner H. Johanning K, Han X (2015). Determination of metabolic stability using cyropreserved hepatocytes form rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Current Protocols in Toxicology 65: 4.42.1-4.42.29.
  • Fink M, Schleicher M, Gonano M, Prodinger WM, Pacciatini M, Glawischnig W, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Walzer C, Stalder GL, Lombardo D, Schobesberger H, Winter P, Büttner M (2015). Red deer as maintenance host for bovine tuberculosis, Alpine region. Emerging Infectious Diseases 21:464-467.
  • Floehr T, Scholz-Starke B, Xiao H, Hercht H, Wu L, Hou J, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Segner H, Kammann U, Yuan X, Roß-Nickoll M, Schäffer A, Hollert H (2015). Linking Ah receptor mediated effects of sediments and impacts on fish to key pollutants in the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir, China – A comprehensive perspective. Science of the Total Environment 538:191-211
  • Haas C, Origgi FC, Akdesir E, Linhares MB, Giovannini S, Mavrot F, Casaubon J, Ryser-Degiorgis, MP (2015). First detection of sarcoptic mange in free-ranging wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 157:269-275.
  • Haas C, Rossi S, Meier R, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2015). Evaluation of a commercial ELISA for the detection of antibodies to Sarcoptes scabiei in wild boar (Sus scrofa). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 51(3):729-733.
  • Hampel M, Blasco J, Segner H (2015). Molecular and cellular effects of contamination in aquatic ecosystems. Editorial. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22:17261-17266.
  • Jensen LB, Wahli T, McGurk C, Eriksen TB, Obach A, Waagbø R, Tafalla C (2015). Effect of temperature and diet on wound healing in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Fish physiology and biochemistry 41:1527-1543.
  • Meier RK, Ruiz-Fons F, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2015). A picture of trends in Aujeszky’s disease virus exposure in wild boar in the Swiss and European contexts. BMC Veterinary Research 11:277 (8 p.)
  • Müller A, Brinkmann M, Baumann L, Stoffel M, Segner H, Kidd K, Hollert H (2015) Morphological alterations in the liver of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from a biological mercury hotspot. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,  22:17330-17342
  • Origgi FC, König B, Lindholm AK, Mayor D, Pilo P (2015). Tularemia among Free-Ranging Mice without Infection of Exposed Humans. Emerging Infectious Diseases 21:133-5. .
  • Origgi FC, Tecilla M, Pilo P, Aloisio F, Otten P, Aguilar-Bultet L, Sattler U, Roccabianca P, Romero CH, Bloom DC, Jacobson ER (2015). A genomic approach to unravel host-pathogen interaction in chelonians: The example of Testudinid Herpesvirus 3. PLoS One 10: e0134897. .
  • Ott Knüsel F, Doherr MG, Knüsel R, Wahli T, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2015). Risk factors for development of internal neoplasms in koi carp (Cyprinus carpio koi). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 114:199-207
  • Pilo P, Vogt D, Origgi FC, Endimiani A, Peterson S, Perreten V (2015). First Report of a Multidrug-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae of sequence type 11 causing sepsis in a free-ranging beaver (Castor fiber). Environmental  Microbiology Reports 7:351-3.
  • Ros AFH, Damjanovic K, Glauser G, Bshary R (2015). No scope for social modulation of steroid levels in a year-round territorial damselfish. Journal of Experimental Zoology 323:80–88.
  • Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Pewsner M, Angst C (2015). Joining the dots: understanding the complex interplay between the values we place on wildlife, biodiversity conservation, human and animal health – a review. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 157:243–253.
  • Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Segner H (2015). National competence center for wildlife diseases in Switzerland: mandate, development and current strategies. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 157:256-266
  • Rüegg SR, Regenscheit N, Origgi FC, Kaiser C, Borel N (2015). Detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae in a collection of captive snakes and response to treatment with marbofloxacin. Veterinary Journal 205:424-426.
  • Sabater S, Segner H, Posthuma L, Barcelo D (2015). Assessing the effects of chemicals in freshwaters under multiple stress – what actions are needed to effectively transfer from science to policy? An academic perspective. Invited Editorial. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34:1208-1210 (invited).
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Hirschi R, Schneider E (2015). Proliferative kidney disease in brown trout – infection level, pathology and mortality under field conditions. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 114:139-146
  • Schreiber PW, Aceto L, Korach R, Marreros N, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Günthard HF (2015). Cluster of leptospirosis acquired through river surfing in Switzerland. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2:ofv102.
  • Segner H (2015). In-vitro methodologies in ecotoxicological hazard assessment: the case of bioaccumulation testing for fish. Invited Commentary. ATLA – Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 43: P14-P16 (invited).
  • Segner H (2015). Why babies do not feel pain or: how structure-derived functional interpretations can go wrong. Invited commentary to the article by Brian Key “Why fish do not feel pain”. Animal Sentience, 2016.033.
  • Segner H, Baumann L (2015). What constitutes a model organism in ecotoxicology? Invited “Learned Discourse”. Integrated Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 12:199-200 (invited).
  • Slootweg T, Segner H, Mayer P, Smith K, Igumnova E, Nikoforov V, Dömötörova M, Oehlmann J, Liebig M (2015). Transfer and effects of 1,2,3,5,7-pentachloronaphtalene in an experimental food chain. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 169C:46-54.
  • Strobel A, Burkhardt-Holm P, Schmidt P, Segner H (2015). Hepatic biotransformation capacities in red and white blooded Antarctic fish. Environmental Science and Technology 49:8022-8032.
  • Wahli T, Bellec L, von Siebenthal B, Cabon J, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Morin T (2015). First isolation of a rhabdovirus from perch Perca fluviatilis in Switzerland. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 116:93-101.
  • Willisch CS, Biebach I, Marreros N, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Keller LF, Neuhaus P (2015). Individual horn growth patterns and reproduction in a long-lived male mammal: No compensation of poor early-life growth later in life. Evolutionary Biology 42:1-11.
  • Wimmershoff J, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Marreros N, Frey J, Romanens P, Gendron K, Origgi FC (2015). Outbreak of severe foot rot associated with benign Dichelobacter nodosus in an Alpine ibex colony in the Swiss Prealps. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 157:277-284.
  • Wolf JC, Baumgartner WA, lazer VS, Camus AC, Engelhardt JA, Fournie JW, Frasca S, Groman DB, Kent ML, Khoo LH, Law JM, Lombardini ED, Ruehl-Fehlert C, Segner H, Smith SA, Spitsbergen JM, Weber K, Wolfe MJ (2015). Nonlesions, misdiagnoses, missed diagnoses, and other interpretive challenges in fish histopathology studies: a guide for investigators, authors, reviewers, and readers. Toxicologic Pathology 43: 297-325.
  • Avgan B, Zimmermann F, Güntert M, Arıkan F, Breitenmoser U (2014). The first density estimation of an isolated Eurasian lynx population in Southwest Asia. Wildlife Biology 20:217-221.
  • Avila M, Alves L, Khosravi M, Ebert-Ader N, Origgi F, Schneider-Schaulies J, Zurbriggen A, Plattet P (2014). Thermodynamics tune the morbillivirus membrane fusion machinery. Journal of Virology 88:2961-2966.
  • Baumann L, Knörr S, Keiter S, Nagel T, Rehberger K, Volz S, Oberrauch S, Schiller V, Fenske M, Holbech H, Segner H, Braunbeck T (2014). Persistence of endocrine disruption in zebrafish (Danio rerio) after discontinued exposure to the androgen 17b-trenbolone. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33:2488-96.
  • Baumann L, Knörr S, Keiter S, Nagel T, Rehberger K, Volz S, Oberrauch S, Schiller V, Fenske M, Holbech H, Segner H, Braunbeck T (2014). Reversibility of endocrine disruption in zebrafish (Danio rerio) after discontinued exposure to the estrogen 17α-ethinylestradiol, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 278:230–237.
  • Burri C, Vial F, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Schwermer H, Darling K, Reist M, Wu N, Beerli O, Schöning J, Cavassini M, Waldvogel A (2014). Seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus in domestic pigs and wild boars in Switzerland. Zoonoses and Public Health. 61:537-44.
  • Chapron G, Kaczensky P, Linnell JDC, von Arx M, Huber D, Andrén H, López-Bao JV, Adamec M, Álvares F, Anders O, Balčiauskas L, Balys V, Bedö P, Bego F, Blanco JC, Breitenmoser U, Brøseth H, Bufka L, Bunikyte R, Ciucci P, Dutsov A, Engleder T, Fuxjäger C, Groff C, Holmala K, Hoxha B, Iliopoulos Y, Ionescu O, Jeremić J, Jerina K, Kluth G, Knauer F, Kojola I, Kos I, Krofel M, Kubala J, Kunovac S, Kusak J, Kutal M, Liberg O, Majić A, Männil P, Manz R, Marboutin E, Marucco F, Melovski D, Mersini K, Mertzanis Y, Mysłajek RW, Nowak S, Odden J, Ozolins J, Palomero G, Paunović M, Persson J, Potočnik H,  Quenette P-Y, Rauer G, Reinhardt I, Rigg R, Ryser A, Salvatori V, Skrbinšek T, Stojanov A, Swenson JE, Szemethy L, Trajçe A, Tsingarska-Sedefcheva E,  Váňa M, Veeroja R, Wabakken P, Wölfl M, Wölfl S, Zimmermann F, Zlatanova D, Boitani L (2014). Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes. Science. 346:1517-1519.
  • Depiereux S, Liagre M, Danis L, De Meulder B, Depiereux E, Segner H, Kestemont P (2014). Intersex occurrence in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry chronically exposed to ethynylestradiol. PLoS One 9: e98531.
  • Fay KA, Mingoia RT, Goeritz I, Nabb DL, Hoffman AD, Ferell BD, Peterson HM, Nichols JW, Segner H, Han X (2014). Intra- and inter-laboratory reliability of a cryopreserved trout hepatocyte assay for the prediction of chemical bioaccumulation potential. Environmental Science and Technology 48:8170-8178.
  • Fernández-Sierra L, Casaubon J, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Vogt HR, Marco I, Peterhans E, Bachofen C (2014). Specificity of pestivirus antibodies in wild ruminants from Switzerland. Schweiz Archiv für Tierheilkunde 156:349-51.
  • Gottstein B, Frey CF, Campbell-Palmer R, Pizzi R, Barlow A, Hentrich B, Posautz A, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2014). Immunoblotting for the serodiagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis in alive and dead Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Veterinary Parasitology 205:113-8.
  • Lombardo A, Roncaglioni A, Benfentati E, Nendza M, Segner H, Fernandez A, Kühne R, Franco A, Pauné E, Schüürmann G (2014). Integrated testing strategy (ITS) for bioaccumulation assessment under REACH. Environment International 69:40-50.
  • Lombardo A, Roncaglioni A, Benfentati E, Nendza M, Segner H, Jeram S, Pauné E, Schüürmann G (2014). Optimizing the aquatic toxicity assessment under REACH through an integrated testing strategy (ITS). Environmental Research 135:156-164.
  • Michel AO, Mathis A, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2014). Babesia spp. in European wild ruminant species: parasite diversity and risk factors for infection. Veterinary Research 45:65.
  • Möller AM, Hermsen C, Floehr T, Lamoree MH, Segner H (2014). Tissue-specific metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) – a comparison between liver and immune organs. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 42:111-118.
  • Möller A, Korytar T, Köllner B, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Segner H (2014). The teleostean liver as an immunological organ: intrahepatic immune cells (IHICs) in healthy and benzo[a]pyrene challenged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 46(2):518-29
  • Nardini G, Di Girolamo N, Leopardi S, Paganelli I, Zaghini A, Origgi FC, Vignoli M (2014). Evaluation of liver parenchyma and perfusion using dynamic contrast-enhanced computed tomography and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in captive green iguanas (Iguana iguana) under general anesthesia. BMC Veterinary Research 13:10:112
  • Oidtmann BC, Pearce FM, Thrush MA, Peeler EJ, Ceolin C, Stärk KDC, Dalla Pozza M, Afonso A, Diserens N, Reese RA, Cameron A (2014). Model for ranking freshwater fish farms according to their risk of infection and illustration for viral haemorrhagic septicaemia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 115(3-4):263-279.
  • Origgi FC, Frey J, Pilo P (2014). Characterisation of a new group of Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica in Switzerland with altered antimicrobial susceptibilities, 1996 to 2013. Euro Surveillance 24;19(29).
  • Quesada Garcia A, Valdehita A, Kropf C, Casanova-Nakayama A, Segner H, Navas JM (2014). Thyroid signaling in immune organs and cells of the teleost fish rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 38:166-174.
  • Sattler U, Khosravi M, Avila M, Pilo P, Langedijk JP, Ader-Ebert N, Alves LA, Plattet P, Origgi FC (2014). Identification of amino acid substitutions with compensational effects in the attachment protein of canine distemper virus. Journal of Virology 88:8057-64.
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Diserens N, Hjortaas MJ, Knüsel R, Hirschi R, Taksdal T (2014) First outbreak of sleeping disease in Switzerland – disease signs and virus characterization. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 111:165-171
  • Schubert S, Peter A, Schönenberger R, Suter MJF, Segner H, Burkhardt-Holm P (2014). Transient exposure to environmental estrogen affects embryonic development of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario). Aquatic Toxicology 157:141-149.
  • Segner H, Schmitt-Jansen M, Sabater S (2014). Assessing the impact of multiple stressors on aquatic biota: the receptor’s side matters. Environmental Science and Technology 48:7690-7696.
  • Steinbach C, Burkina V, Fedorova G, Grabicova K, Stara A, Velisek J, Zlabek V, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Grabic R, Kroupova HK (2014) The sub-lethal effects and bioconcentration of the human pharmaceutical atenolol in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Science of the Total Environment 497-498:209-218
  • Stidworthy MF, Garner MM, Bradway DS, Westfall BD, Joseph B, Repetto S, Guglielmi E, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Thornton SM(2014) Systemic scuticociliatosis (Philasterides dicentrarchi) in sharks. Veterinary Pathology, 51(3):628-632
  • Strepparava N, Wahli T, Segner H, Petrini O (2014). Detection and quantification of Flavobacterium psychophilum in water and fish tissue samples by quantitative real time PCR. BMC Microbiology 14:105.
  • Verlhac-Trichet V, Vielma J, Dias J, Rema P, Santigosa E, Wahli T, Vogel K (2014). The Efficacy of a novel microbial 6-phytase expressed in Aspergillus oryzae on the performance and phosphorus utilization of cold- and warm-water fish: rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 45:367-379.
  • Vogt K, Zimmermann F, Kölliker M, Breitenmoser U (2014). Scent-marking behaviour and social dynamics in a wild population of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). Behavioural Processes 106:98-106.
  • Wenger M, Shved N, Akgül G, Caelers A, Casanova A, Segner H, Eppler E (2014). Developmental oestrogen exposure differentially modulates IGF-I and TNFα expression levels in immune organs of Yersinia ruckeri-challenged young adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). General and Comparative Endocrinology 205:168-175.
  • Willisch CS, Biebach I, Marreros N, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Neuhaus P (2014). Horn growth and reproduction in a long-lived male mammal: no compensation for poor early-life horn growth. Evolutionary Biology 42:1-11.
  • Burki R, Krasnov A, Bettge K, Rexroad CE, Afanasyev S, Antikainen M, Burkhardt-Holm P, Wahli T,  Segner H (2013). Molecular crosstalk between a chemical and a biological stressor and consequences on disease manifestation in rainbow trout. Aquatic Toxicology 127:2-8.
  • Casaubon J, Vogt H-R, Chaignat V, Thür B, Michel AO, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2013). Survey of bluetongue virus infection in free-ranging wild ruminants in Switzerland. BMC Veterinary Research 9:166. (Highly accessed)
  • Diserens N, Presi P, Bernet D, Schüpbach-Regula G, Wahli T (2013). Risk assessment for the design of a risk-based surveillance programme for fish farms in Switzerland (in accordance with Council Directive 2006/88/EC of the European Union). Scientific and Technical Review Office Internationale des Epizooties 32:751–763.
  • Fehr A, Walther E, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Nufer L, Wilson A, Svercel M, Richter D, Segner H, Pospischil A, Vaughan L (2013). Candidatus Syngnamydia venezia, a novel member of the phylum Chlamydiae from the broad nosed pipe fish Syngnathus typhle. PLOS ONE 8:e70853.
  • Fichtner D, Philipps A, Groth M, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Dauber M, Platzer M, Sauerbrei A, Zell R (2013). Characterization of a novel picornavirus isolate from a diseased European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Journal of Virology 87:10895-10899.
  • Gallana M, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Wahli T, Segner H (2013). Climate change and infectious diseases of wildlife: altered interactions between pathogens, vectors and hosts. Current Zoology 59:427-437.
  • Geiger CC, Schmidt BR, Origgi FC (2013). Accumulation of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and bacteria on the regressing tail of midwife toads Alytes obstetricans undergoing metamorphosis. Amphibia-Reptilia 34:255-258.
  • Giovannini S, Pewsner M, Hüssy D, Hächler H, Degiorgis MP, Hirschheydt JV, Origgi FC (2013). Epidemic of Salmonellosis in Passerine Birds in Switzerland with Spillover to Domestic Cats. Veterinary Pathology 50:597-606.
  • Grabicova K, Fedorova G, Burkina V, Steinbach C, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Zlabek V, Kroupova H, Grabic R, Randak T (2013). Presence of UV filters in Surface Water and the Effects of Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid on Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following a Chronic Toxicity Test. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 96:41-47.
  • Groh KJ, Schönenberger R, Eggen RIL, Segner H, Suter MJF (2013). Analysis of protein expression in zebrafish during gonad differentiation period by targeted proteomics. General and Comparative Endocrinology 193:210-220.
  • Hamers T, Legler J, Blaha L, Hylland K, Marigomez I, Schipper CA, Segner H, Vethaak AD, Witters H, de Zwart D, Leonards PEG (2013). Expert opinion on toxicity profiling – report from a NORMAN expert group meeting. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 9:185-191.
  • Michel C, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Burkhardt-Holm P (2013). Suspended mineral particle effects in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss – relating apical and systemic responses. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 17:630-641.
  • Nimmervoll N, Hoby S, Robert N, Lommano E, Welle M, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2013). Pathology of sarcoptic mange in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes): Macroscopical and histological characterization of three diseases stages. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49:91-102.
  • Oidtmann B, Verner-Jeffreys D, Pond M, Peeler EJ, Noguera PA, Bruno DW, LaPatra SE, St-Hilaire S, Schubiger CB, Snekvik K, Crumlish M, Green DM, Metselaar M, Rodger H, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Galeotti M, Feist SW. (2013). Differential characterisation of emerging skin diseases of rainbow trout – a standardised approach to capturing disease characteristics and development of case definitions. Journal of Fish Diseases, 36:921-937.
  • Origgi FC (2013). Testudinid Herpesvirus (TeHVs): A review. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 22:42-54.
  • Origgi FC, Sattler U, Pilo P, Waldvogel A (2013). Fatal Combined Infection with Canine Distemper Virus and Orthopoxvirus in a Group of Asian Marmots (Marmota caudata). Veterinary Pathology 50:914-920
  • Origgi FC, Wu N, Pilo P. (2013). Francisella tularensis infection in a stone marten (Martes foina) without classic pathological lesions consistent with tularemia. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 25:519-521.
  • Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2013) Wildlife health investigations: needs, challenges and recommendations. BMC Veterinary Research 9:223.
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Steiner P, Müller B, Nakayama Casanova A (2013). Complex interaction between Proliferative Kidney Disease, water temperature, and concurrent nematode infection in brown trout. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 104:23-34.
  • Schöning JM, Cerny N, Prohaska S, Wittenbrink MM, Smith NH, Bloemberg G, Pewsner M, Schiller I, Origgi F, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2013). Surveillance of bovine tuberculosis and risk estimation of a future reservoir formation in wildlife in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. PLoS ONE: 8 e54253
  • Segner H, Casanova-Nakayama A, Kase R, Tyler CR (2013). Impact of environmental estrogens on fish considering the diversity of estrogen signaling. General and Comparative Endocrinology 191:190-201.
  • Strepparava, N, Nicolas P, Wahli T, Segner H, Petrini O (2013). Molecular epidemiology of Flavobacterium psychrophilum from Swiss fish farms. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 105:203-210.
  • Vanden Bergh P, Burr SE, Benedicenti O, von Siebenthal B, Frey J, Wahli T (2013). Antigens of the type-three secretion system of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida prevent protective immunity in rainbow trout. Vaccine 31:5256-5261.
  • Wiener DJ, Welle MM., Origgi FC (2013). Cutaneous Lesions Associated with Dual Infection Caused by Canine Distemper Virus and Orthopoxvirus in a domestic cat. Veterinary Dermathology 24:543-e130.
  • Willisch CS, Marreros N, Neuhaus P (2013) Long-distance photogrammetric trait estimation in free-ranging animals: A new approach. Mammalian Biology 78:351-355
  • Wolf JC, Ruehl-Fehlert C, Segner H, Weber KM, Hardisty JF (2013). Pathology working group review of histopathologic specimens from three laboratory studies of diclofenac in trout. Aquatic Toxicology 146:127-136
  • Ader N, Brindley MA, Avila M, Origgi FC, Langedijk JP, Orvell C, Vandevelde M, Zurbriggen A, Plemper RK, Plattet P. (2012). Structural Rearrangements of the Central Region of the Morbillivirus Attachment Protein Stalk Domain Trigger F Protein Refolding for Membrane Fusion. J Biol Chem. 287:16324-34.
  • Burki R, Krasnov A, Bettge K, Rexroad CE, Afanasyev S, Antikainen M, Burkhardt-Holm P, Wahli T, Segner H. (2012). Pathogenic infection confounds induction of the estrogenic biomarker vitellogenin in rainbow trout. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:2318-2323.
  • Casaubon J, Vogt H-R, Stalder H, Hug C, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P. (2012). Bovine viral diarrhea virus in free-ranging wild ruminants in Switzerland: low prevalence of infection despite regular interactions with domestic livestock. BMC Veterinary Research 8:204.
  • Hawliczek A, Nota B, van Boxtel AL, Cenijn P, Kamstra J, Pieterse B, Winkens K, Hollert H, Segner H, Legler J. (2012). Developmental toxicity and endocrine disrupting potency of 4-azapyrene, benzo[b]fluorene and retene in the zebrafish Danio rerio. Reproductive Toxicology 33:213-223.
  • Jacobson ER, Berry KH, Wellehan JF Jr, Origgi F, Childress AL, Braun J, Schrenzel M, Yee J, Rideout B. (2012). Serologic and molecular evidence for Testudinid herpesvirus 2 infection in wild Agassiz's desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48:747-57.
  • Johanning K, Hancock G, Escher B, Adekola A, Bernhard MJ, Cowan-Ellsberry C, Domodoradzki J, Dyer S, Eickhoff C, Embry M, Erhardt S, Fitzsimmons P, Halder M, Hill J, Holden D, Johnson R, Rutishauser S, Segner H, Schultz I, Nichols J. (2012) Assessment of metabolic stability using the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) liver S9 fraction. Current Protocols in Toxicology 53: 14.10.1-14.10.28.
  • Lahti M, Brozinski JM, Segner H, Kronberg L, Oikari A (2012). Bioavailability of pharmaceuticals in waters close to wastewater treatment plants: use of fish bile for exposure assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:1831-1837.
  • Marreros N, Frey CF, Willisch CS, Signer C, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P. (2012). Coprological analyses on apparently healthy Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) from two Swiss colonies. Veterinary parasitology. 186:382-389
  • Mavrot F, Vilei EM, Marreros N, Signer C, Frey J, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P. (2012). Occurrence, quantification and genotyping of Mycoplasma conjunctivae in wild Caprinae with and without infectious keratoconjunctivitis. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48:619-631.
  • Mavrot F, Zimmermann F, Vilei EM, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P. (2012). Is the development of infectious keratoconjunctivitis in Alpine ibex and Alpine chamois influenced by topographic features? European Journal of Wildlife Research 58: 869-874.
  • Origgi FC, Plattet P, Sattler U, Robert N, Casaubon J, Mavrot F, Pewsner M, Wu N, Giovannini S, Oevermann A, Stoffel MH, Gaschen V, Segner H Ryser-Degiorgis M-P. (2012). Emergence of a Canine Distemper Virus strain with modified molecular signature and enhanced neuronal tropism leading to high mortality in wild carnivores. Veterinary Pathology 49:913-929.
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Bettge K, Forster U, Segner H, Wahli T (2012) Kidney pathology and parasite intensity in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss surviving proliferative kidney disease: time course and influence of temperature. Dis Aquat Org 97:207-218
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Polkinghorne A, Nufer L, Schifferli A, Zimmermann DR, Segner H, Steiner P, Vaughan L. (2012) A natural freshwater origin for two chlamydial species, Candidatus Piscichlamydia salmonis and Candidatus Clavochlamydia salmonicola, causing mixed infections in wild brown trout (Salmo trutta). Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports 14(9):2049-2057
  • Segner H, Sundh H, Buchmann K, Douxfils J, Sundell KS, Mathieu C, Ruane C, Jutfelt F, Toften H, Vaughan L. (2012). Health of farmed fish: its relation to fish welfare and its utility as welfare indicator. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 38:85-105.
  • Segner H, Wenger M, Möller AM, Köllner B, Casanova-Nakayama A. (2012). Immunotoxic effects of environmental toxicants in fish – how to assess them? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19:2465-2478.
  • Sirri R, Brachelente C, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Mandrioli L. (2012). Ultrastructural findings of spontaneously occurring seminoma in an adult ornamental cyprinid (Cyprinus carpio L.). Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 32 (1):19-23
  • Streppavara N, Wahli T, Segner H, Polli B, Petrini O. (2012). Fluorescent in situ hybridization: a new tool for the direct identification and detection of Flavobacterium psychrophilum. PLoS One 7: e49280.
  • Wenger M, Krasnov A, Skugor S, Goldschmidt-Clermont E, Sattler U, Afansyev S, Segner H. (2012). Estrogen modulates hepatic gene expression and survival of rainbow trout infected with pathogenic bacteria Yersinia ruckeri. Marine Biotechnology 14:530-543.
  • Willisch C, Biebach I, Koller U, Bucher T, Marreros N, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Keller LF, Neuhaus P. (2012). Male reproductive pattern in a polygynous ungulate with a slow life-history: the role of age, social status and alternative mating tactics. Evolutionary Ecology, 26:187-206.
  • Wu N, Abril C, Thomann A, Grosclaude E, Doherr M, Boujon P, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P. (2012). Risk factors for contacts between wild boar and outdoor pigs in Switzerland and investigations on potential Brucella suis spill-over. BMC Veterinary Research 8:116, doi:10.1186/1746-6148-8-116.
  • Ye RR, Lei ENY, Lam MHW, Chan AKY, Bo J, van der Merwe JP, Fong ACC, Yang MMS, Lee JS, Segner H, Wong CKC, Wu RSS, Au DTW. (2012). Gender-specific modulation of immune system complement gene expression in marine medaka, Oryzias melastigma following dietary exposure of BPDE-47. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19:2477-2487.
  • Bernet D, Wahli T, Gerecke A, Segner H (2011) Exposure of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) eggs to native or chemically spiked sediments from Lake Thun does not lead to abnormal gonad develop-ment. Environmental Biotechnology 7: 17-29.
  • Bittner D, Cossins AR, Segner H, Excoffier L, Largiader CR (2011). Identification of candidate genes and physiological pathways in gonad deformation in whitefish (Coregonus spp.) from lake Thun, Switzerland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 8: 2706-2733.
  • Casanova-Nakayama A, Wenger M, Burki R, Eppler E, Krasnov A, Segner H (2011). Endocrine disrupt-ing compounds: Can they target the immune system of fish? Marine Pollution Bulletin 63: 412-416.
  • Cruz Cardona JA, Conley KJ, Wellehan JF, Farina LL, Origgi FC, Wamsley HL (2011). Incomplete ovariosalpingectomy and subsequent malignant granulosa cell tumor in a female green iguana (Iguana iguana). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 239: 237-42.
  • Escher BI, Cowan-Ellsberry CE, Dyer S, Embry MR, Erhardt S, Halder M, Kwon JH, Johanning K, Oosterwijk MTT, Rutishauser S, Segner H, Nichols J (2011). Protein and lipid binding parameters in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) blood and liver fractions to extrapolate from an in vitro metabolic degradation assay to in vivo bioaccumulation potential of hydrophobic organic chemicals. Chemical Research in Toxicology 24: 1134-1143.
  • Holzwarth N, Pospischil A, Marreros N, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Mavrot F, Frey J, Thoma R, Borel N. (2011). Alpine ibex (Capra i. ibex) is not a reservoir for chlamydial infections of domestic ruminants and humans. European Journal of Wildlife Research 57(2): 233-240.
  • Holzwarth N, Pospischil A, Mavrot F, Vilei EM, Hilbe M, Zlinskzky K, Regenscheit N, Pewsner M, Thoma R, Borel N (2011). Occurrence of Chlamydiaceae, Mycoplasma conjunctivae and Pestiviruses in Alpine Chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) of Grisons, Switzerland. Journal of Veteri-nary Diagnostic Investigations 23: 333-337.
  • Kuiken T, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Gavier-Widen D, Gortazar C (2011). Establishing a European network for wildlife health surveillance. Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) 30: 755-76.
  • Langedijk JP, Janda J, Origgi FC, Örvell C, Vandevelde M, Zurbriggen A, Plattet P (2011). Canine dis-temper virus infects canine keratinocytes and immune cells by using overlapping and distinct re-gions located on one side of the attachment protein. Journal of Virology 85: 11242-54.
  • Marreros N, Hüssy D, Albini S, Frey C, Abril C, Vogt HR, Holzwarth N, Wirz-Dittus S, Friess M, Engels M, Borel N, Willisch C, Signer C, Hoelzle L, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2011). Epizootiologic investiga-tions of selected abortive agents in free-ranging Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) in Switzerland. Jour-nal of Wildlife Diseases 47(3): 530-543.
  • Marreros N. Frey CF, Willisch CS, Signer C, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2011). Coprological analyses on apparently healthy Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) from two Swiss colonies. Veterinary parasitology. Online first.
  • Okamura B, Hartikainen H, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Wahli T (2011). Life cycle complexity, environmental change and the emerging status of salmonid proliferative kidney disease. Freshwater Biology 56: 735-753. Article first published online : 6 JUL 2010, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02465.x
  • Segner H (2011). Moving beyond a descriptive aquatic toxicology: the value of biological process and trait information. Aquatic Toxicology 105: 50-55.
  • Terrell SP, Origgi FC, Agnew DW (2011). Glomerulonephropathy in Aged Captive Key Largo Woodrats (Neotoma floridana smalli). Vet Pathol. 0300985811404711, first published on April 13, 2011
  • Tryland M, Okeke MI, Hård af Segerstad C, Mörner T, Traavik T, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2011). Orthopoxvirus DNA in Eurasian lynx, Sweden. Emerging Infectious Diseases 17 (4): 626-632.
  • Wahli T, Bergmann SM (2011). Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (VHS): detection, distribution, combat. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 6, 002: 1-10.
  • Wenger M, Sattler U, Goldschmidt-Clermont E, Segner H (2011). 17beta-estradiol affects complement components and survival of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) challenged by bacterial (Yersinia ruckeri) infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 31: 90-97.
  • Willisch C, Biebach I, Koller U, Bucher T, Marreros N, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Keller LF, Neuhaus P (2011). Male reproductive pattern in a polygynous ungulate with a slow life-history: the role of age, social status and alternative mating tactics. Evolutionary Ecology, Online first, 12 May 2011, DOI 10.1007/s10682-011-9486-6.
  • Wu N, Abril C, Hinic V, Brodard I, Thür B, Fattebert J, Hüssy D, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2011). Free-ranging wild boar: a disease threat to domestic pigs in Switzerland? Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47(4): 878-879.
  • Enzmann PJ, Castric J, Bovo G, Thiery R, Fichtner D, Schütze H, Wahli T (2010). Evolution of infec-tious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), a fish rhabdovirus, in Europe over 20 years: implications and control. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 89:9-15.
  • Hein M, de Deckere E, de Zwart D, Foekem EM, Marcomini A, Munoz I, Posthuma L, Rotter S, Sabater S, Schmitt C, Schmitt-Jansen M, Segner H, Semenzin E, van Gils J, van Hattum B, van Vliet LA, von der Ohe P, Brack W (2010). MODELKEY – key findings for reaching the EU Water Framework Directive’s quality objectives. UWSF- Umweltwissenschaften & Schadstoff-Forschung 22:217-228.
  • Hoby S, Wenker C, Robert N, Jermann T, Hartnack S, Segner H, Aebischer CP, Liesegang A (2010). Nutritional metabolic bone disease in juvenile veiled chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus) and its prevention. Journal of Nutrition 140:1923-1931.
  • Hochwartner O, Loupal G, Wildgoose WH, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2010). Frequent occurrence of spon-taneous tumours of the renal proximal tubules in Oscars (Astronotus ocellatus Cuvier, 1829). Dis-eases of Aquatic Organisms, 89(2):185-189.
  • Meli ML, Kaufmann C, Zanolari P, Robert N, Willi B, Lutz H, Hoffmann-Lehmann R (2010). Developmnet and application of a real time TaqMan qPCR assay for the detection and quantifica-tion of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemolamae in South American camelids. Veterinary Microbiology 146: 2990-294.
  • Polkinghorne A, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Meijer A, Lehner A, Vaughan L (2010). Novel chlamydiales as-sociated with epitheliocystis in a Leopard Shark (Triakis semifasciata). Diseases of Aquatic Organ-isms, 91 (1): 75-81.
  • Sieber V, Robert N, Schybli M, Sager H, Miserez R, Engels M, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2010). Causes of mortality and diseases in farmed deer in Switzerland. Veterinary Medicine International 10, Article ID 684924, 8 pp.
  • Sirri R, Mandrioli L, Grieco V, Bacci B, Brunetti B, Sarli G, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2010). Seminoma in a koi carp Cyprinus carpio: histopathological and immunohistochemical findings. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 92 (1):83-88.
  • Wenger M, Ondracková M, Machala M, Neca J, Hyrsl P, Jurajda P, Segner H (2010). Association of measures of chemical exposure, parasite infection and population status of chub (Leuciscus cephalus) in the Bílina River, Czech Republic: A fish health-directed assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:453-466.
  • Wenger S, Gull J, Glaus TM, Blumer S, Wimmershoff J, Kranjc A, Steinmetz HW, Hatt JM (2010). Fallot's tetralogy in a European beaver (Castor fiber). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 41(2):359-362.-
  • Alasaad S, Soglia D, Spalenza V, Maione S, Soriguer RC, Pérez JM, Rasero R, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Nimemrvoll H, Zhu XQ, Rossi L (2009). Is ITS-2 rDNA suitable marker for genetic characterization of Sarcoptes mites from different wild animals in different geographic areas? Veterinary Parasitolo-gy 159: 181-185.
  • Bernet D, Wahli T, Kipfer S, Segner H (2009). Macroscopic gonadal deviations and intersex in develop-ing whitefish Coregonus lavaretus. Aquatic Biology 6:1-13.
  • Bettge K, Segner H, Burki R, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Wahli T (2009). Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of rainbow trout: temperature- and time-related changes of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae DNA in kidney. Parasitology 136:615-625.
  • Bettge K, Wahli T, Segner H, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2009). Proliferative kidney disease in rainbow trout: time- and temperature related-renal pathology and parasite distribution. Diseases of Aquatic Or-ganisms 83:67-76.
  • Bittner D, Bernet D, Wahli T, Segner H, Küng C, Largiader CR (2009). How normal is abnormal? Dis-crimination between deformations and natural variation in gonad morphology of European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus. Journal of Fish Biology 74:1594-1614.
  • Bogdal C, Naef M, Schmid P, Kohler M, Zennegg M, Bernet D, Scheringer M, Hungerbühler K (2009). Unexplained Gonad Alterations in Whitefish (Coregonus spp.) from Lake Thun, Switzerland: Levels of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Different Morphs. Chemosphere 74: 434-440.
  • Frey CF, Schuppers ME, Müller N, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Gottstein B (2009). Assessment of the preva-lence of Trichinella spp. in red foxes and Eurasian lynxes from Switzerland. Veterinary Parasitology 159: 295-299.
  • Froehlicher M, Liedtke A, Groh KJ, Lopez-Schier H, Neuhauss S, Segner H, Eggen RIL (2009). Estro-gen receptor subtype ß2 is involved in neuromast development in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae. Developmental Biology 330:32-43.
  • Froehlicher M, Liedtke A, Groh KJ, Neuhauss SCF, Segner H, Eggen RIL (2009). Zebrafish (Danio rerio) neuromast: promising biological endpoint linking developmental and toxicological studies. Aq-uatic Toxicology 95:307-319.
  • Hoby S, Mathis A, Doherr MG, Robert N, Ryser-Degiorgis M-P (2009). Babesia capreoli infections in Alpine chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra), roe deer (Capreolus c. capreolus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) from Switzerland. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45: 748-753.
  • Hrovat M, Segner H, Jeram S (2009). Variability of in vivo fish acute toxicity data. Regulatory Toxicolo-gy and Pharmacology 54:294-300.
  • Jos A, Caméan AM, Pflugmacher S, Segner H (2009). The antioxidant glutathione in the fish cell lines EPC and BF-2: response to model pro-oxidants as measured by three different fluorescent dyes. Toxicology in Vitro 23:546-553.
  • Kipfer S, Segner H, Wenger M, Wahli T, Bernet D (2009). Long-term estrogen exposure of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus induces intersex but not Lake Thun-typical gonad malformations. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 84:43-56.
  • Ortiz-Delgado JB, Behrens A, Segner H, Sarasquete C (2009). Tissue-specific induction of EROD activ-ity and CYP1A protein in Sparus aurata exposed to B(a)P and TCDD. Ecotoxicology and Environ-mental Safety 69:80-88.
  • Ortiz-Delgado JB, Segner H, Sarasquete C (2009). Brain CYP1A in seabream, Sparus aurata, exposed to benzo(a)pyrene. Histology and Histopathology 24:1263-1273.
  • Ryser-Degiorgis M.-P., Bischof D. F., Marreros N., Willisch C. Signer C., Filli F., Brosi G., Frey J., Vilei E. M. 2009. Detection of Mycoplasma conjunctivae in the eyes of health, free-ranging Alpine ibex: Possible involvement of Alpine ibex as carriers for the main causing agent of infectious keratocon-junctivitis in wild Caprinae. Veterinary Microbiology 134: 368-374.
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Bergmann W, Knüsel R, Heistinger H, Licek E (2009). Appearance of red mark syndrome / cold water strawberry disease in Switzerland and Austria. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 88(1): 65-68
  • Segner H (2009). Morphologische Parameter als Biomarker in der Ökotoxikologie – natürliche und schadstoffinduzierte Variabilität. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 21:132-139.
  • Segner H (2009). Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism to study endocrine disruption. Compara-tive Biochemistry and Physiology 149C:187-195.
  • Vonk JA, Benigni R, Hewitt M, Nendza M, Segner H, van den Meent D, Cronin MTD (2009). The use of mechanisms and modes of toxic action in integrated testing strategies: the report and recommen-dations of a workshop held as part of the European Union OSIRIS Integrated Project. ATLA – Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 37:557-571.
  • Weisbrod AV, Sahi J, Segner H, James MO, Nichols J, Schultz I, Erhardt S, Cowan-Ellsberry C, Bonnell M, Hoeger B (2009). The state of in vitro science for use in bioaccumulation assessments for fish. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28:86-06.
  • Bernet D, Liedtke A, Bittner D, Eggen RIL, Kipfer S, Küng C, Largiader CR, Suter MJ-F, Wahli T, Segner H (2008). Gonadal malformations in whitefish from Lake Thun: Defining the case and eva-luating the role of EDCs. Chimia 62:383–388.
  • Burkhardt-Holm P, Segner H, Burki R, Peter A, Schubert S, Suter MJF, Borsuk ME. (2008). Estrogenic endocrine disruption in Switzerland: assessment of fish exposure and effects. Chimia 62:376-382.
  • Cheshenko K, Pakdel F, Segner H, Kah O, Eggen RE (2008). Interference of endocrine disrupting chemicals with aromatase CYP19 expression or activity, and consequences for reproduction of teleost fish. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 155:31-62.
  • Ehlers, B., Dural, G., Yasmum, N., Lembo, T., de Thoisy, B., Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P., Ulrch R.G., McGeoch, D.J., 2008. Novel mammalian herpesviruses and lineages within the Gammaherpesviri-nae: Cospeciation and interspecies transfer. Journal of Virology 82: 3509-3516.
  • Goldschmidt-Clermont E, Wahli T, Frey J, Burr SE (2008). Identification of bacteria from the normal flora of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., and evaluation of their inhibitory potential towards Aeromonas species. Journal of Fish Diseases 31: 353-359.
  • Mörner, T., Bröjer, C., Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P., Gavier-Widén, D., Nilsson, H.-O., Wadström, T., 2008. Detection of Helicobacter species in free-ranging lynx (Lynx lynx) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Sweden. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44: 697-700.
  • Nakayama A, Riesen I, Köllner B, Eppler E, Segner H (2008). Surface marker-defined head kidney gra-nulocytes and B-lymphocytes of rainbow trout express benzo[a]pyrene-inducible cytochrome P4501a protein. Toxicological Sciences 103: 86-96.
  • Navas JM, Segner H (2008). In vitro screening of the antiestrogenic activity of chemicals. Expert Opin-ion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology 4:605-617.
  • Ortiz-Delgado JB, Behrens A, Segner H, Sarasquete C (2008). Tissue-specific induction of EROD activ-ity and CYP1A protein in Sparus aurata exposed to B(a)P and TCDD. Ecotoxicology and Environ-mental Safety 69:80-88.
  • Rossteuscher S, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Schäfers C, Teigeler M, Segner H (2008). Background patholo-gy of the ovary in a laboratory population of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 2: 169-172.
  • Rossteuscher S, Wenker C, Jermann T, Wahli T, Oldenberg E, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2008). Severe Scuticociliate (Philasterides dicentrarchi) infection in a Population of Sea Dragons (Phycodurus eques and Phyllopteryx taeniolatus). Veterinary Pathology 45: 546-550.
  • Schmid, N., Deplazes, P., Hoby, S., Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P., Edelhofer, R., Mathis, A. (2008). A Babesia divergens-like organisms from free-ranging chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) and roe deer (Capreolus c. capreolus) are distinct from B. divergens of cattle origin - an epidemiological and molecular genetic investigation. Veterinary Parasitology 154, 14-20.
  • Schubert S, Peter A, Burki R, Schönenberger R, Suter MJF, Segner H, Burkhardt-Holm P (2008). Sensitivity of brown trout reproduction to long-term estrogenic exposure. Aquatic Toxicology 90:65-72.
  • Shved N, Berishvili G, Baroiller JF, Segner H, Reinecke M (2008). Environmentally relevant concentra-tions of 17a-ethinylestradiol (EE2) interfere with the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I system in developing bony fish. Toxicological Sciences 106:93-102.
  • Sieber, V., Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P., Botteron, C., 2008. A study of neurological diseases in farmed deer in Switzerland, with emphasis on chronic wasting disease. European Journal of Wildlife Research 54: 189-192.
  • Urbach D, Britschgi A, Jacob A, Bittner D, Bernet D, Wahli T, Yoccoz NG, Wedekind C. (2008). Gonadal alterations in male whitefish Coregonus fatioi: no evidence for genetic damage reducing viability in early life stages. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 81:119-125.
  • Wahli T, Bernet D, Segner H, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2008). Role of altitude and water temperature as regulating factors for the geographical distribution of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae infected fishes in Switzerland. Journal of Fish Biology 73: 2184-2197.
  • Burkhardt-Holm P, Segner H (2007). Lebenswissenschaften und Allgemeine Ökologie: Gemeinsamkeiten, Unterschiede und gegenseitige Beeinflussung. In: Di Giulio A, Defila R, Hammer T, Bruppacher S (Hrsg). Allgemeine Ökologie – Innovationen in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Haupt Verlag, Bern. S. 103-125.
  • Cheshenko K, Brion F, Le Page Y, Hinfray N, Pakdel F, Kah O, Segner H, Eggen RE (2007). Expression of zebrafish aromatase cyp19a and cyp19b genes in response to the ligands of estrogen receptor and aryl hydrocarbon receptor. Toxicological Sciences 96:255-267.
  • Cheshenko K, Pakdel F, Segner H, Kah O, Eggen RE (2007). Interference of endocrine disrupting chemicals with aromatase CYP19 expression or activity, and consequences for reproduction of teleost fish. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 155:31-62.
  • Föllmi J, Steiger A, Walzer C, Robert N, Geissbühler U, Doherr MG, Wenker C. (2007): A scoring system to evaluate physical condition and quality of life in geriatric zoo mammals. Animal Welfare 16:309-318.
  • Hoby S, Robert N, Mathis A, Schmid N, Meli ML, Hofmann-Lehmann R, Lutz H, Deplazes P, Ryser-Degiorgis MP. (2007): Babesiosis in free-ranging chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) from Switzerland. Veterinary Parasitology 148:341-345.
  • Jos A, Segner H, Herradón B, Repetto G, Navas JM (2007). Induction of EROD activity by 1-phenylimidazole and ß-naphthoflavone in rainbow trout cultured hepatocytes: a comparative study. Toxicology in Vitro 21:1307-1310.
  • Kallivretaki E, Eggen RIL, Neuhauss SCF, Kah O, Segner H (2007). The zebrafish brain-specific aromatase, cyp19a2, is neither expressed nor distributed in a sexually dimorphic manner during sexual differentiation. Developmental Dynamics 236:3155-3166.
  • Knüsel R, Bergmann SM, Einer-Jensen K, Casey J, Segner H, Wahli T. (2007). Virus isolation vs RT-PCR: which method is more successful in detecting VHSV and IHNV in fish tissue sampled under field conditions? Journal of Fish Diseases 30:559-568.
  • Knüsel, R, K. Brandes, S. Lechleiter, H. Schmidt-Posthaus (2007). Two independent cases of spontaneously occurring branchioblastomas in koi carp (Cyprinus carpio). Veterinary Pathology 44: 237-239.
  • Köhler HR, Sandu C, Scheil V, Nagy-Petrica EM, Segner H, Telcean I, Stan G, Triebskorn R (2007). Monitoring pollution in river Mures, Romania. Part III: Biochemical effect markers in fish and integrative reflection. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 127:47-54.
  • Köppel C, Knopf L, Ryser MP, Miserez R, Thür B, Stärk KDC. Serosurveillance for selected infectious disease agents in wild boars (Sus scrofa) and outdoor pigs in Switzerland. European Journal of Wildlife Research 53:212-220.
  • Müller S, Oevermann A, Wenker C, Altermatt HJ, Robert N. (2007). A mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney in a ringtail lemur (Lemur catta). Veterinary Pathology, 44(2):243-246.
  • Nakayama A, Kurokawa Y, Harino H, Kawahara E, Miyadai T, Seikai T, Kawai S (2007). Effects of tri-butyltin on the immune system in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Aquat. Toxicol. 83:126-133.
  • Nakayama A, Kawai S (2007). Effects of tributyltin on the immune system and drug metabolizing sys-tem of fish (2007) In: Organotin compounds in Environmental Sciences (Hisashi Yamada Eds.) [Japanese], p238-252. Kouseisha-Kouseikaku, Japan
  • Nichols J, Erhardt S, Dyer S, James M, Moore M, Plotzke K, Segner H, Schultz I, Thomas K, Vasiluk L, Weisbrod A (2007). Workshop Report: Use of in vitro absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) data in bioaccumulation assessments for fish. Human and Ecological Risk As-sessment 13;1164-1191.
  • Ortiz-Delgado JB, Behrens B, Segner H, Sarasquete C (2007). Tissue-specific induction of EROD activity and CYP1A protein in Sparus aurata exposed to B(a)P and TCDD. Ecotoxicology and Environ-mental Safety 69:80-88.
  • Ortiz-Delgado JB, Segner H, Arellano JM, Sarasquete C (2007). Histopathological alterations, EROD activity, CYP1A protein and biliary metabolites in gilthead seabream Sparus aurata exposed to benzo(a)pyrene. Histology and Histopathology 22:417-432.
  • Paré J, Robert N. (2007): Circovirus. In: Infectious diseases of wild birds. N.J. Thomas, D.B. Hunter and C.T. Atkinson, Eds, Blackwell Publishing, pp. 194-205.
  • Robert N. (2007): Neurological diseases in cheetah and snow leopard. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine – Current therapy 6. M.E. fowler and R. E. Miller, Eds. Saunders Elsevier, pp. 265-271.
  • Schäfers C, Teigeler M, Wenzel A, Maack G, Fenske M, Segner H (2007). Concentration- and time-dependent effects of the synthetic estrogen, 17ß-ethynylestradiol, on reproductive capabilities of the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 70:768-779.
  • Segner H (2007). Ecotoxicology – how to asses the impact of toxicants in a multifactorial environment ? In: Mothersill C, Mosse I, Seymour C (eds). Multiple stressors: a challenge for the future. NATO Advanced Workshop. Environmental Security. Springer, Heidelberg-New York. pp. 39-56.
  • Shved N, Berishvili G, D’Cotta H, Baroiller JF, Segner H, Eppler E, Reinecke M (2007). Ethinylestradiol differentially interferes with IGF-I in liver and extrahepatic sites during development of male and female bony fish. Journal of Endocrinology 195:513-524.
  • Urbach D, Bittner D, Lenz TL, Bernet D, Wahli T, Wedekind C. (2007). Sperm velocity in an Alpine whi-tefish: effects of age, size, condition, fluctuating asymmetry and gonad abnormalities. Journal of Fish Biology 71:672-683.
  • Vilei EM, Bonvin-Klotz L, Zimmermann L, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Giacometti M, Frey J (2007). Validation and diagnostic efficacy of a TaqMan real-time PCR for the detection of Mycoplasma conjunctivae in the eyes of infected Caprinae. Journal of Microbiological Methods 70:484-386.
  • Wahli T, Bernet D, Steiner PA, Schmidt-Posthaus H. (2007). Geographic distribution of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae infected fish in Swiss rivers: an update. Aquatic Science 69:3-10.
  • Willi B, Filoni C, Catao-Dias JL, Cattori V, Meli ML, Vargas V, Martinez F, Roelke ME, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Leutenegger CM, Lutz H, Hofmann-Lehmann R (2007). Woldwide occurrence of feline hemoplasma infections in wild felid species. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 45:1159-1166.
  • Zimmerli S, Bernet D, Burckhardt-Holm P, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Vonlanthen P, Wahli T, Segner H. (2007). Assessment of fish health status in four Swiss rivers showing a decline of brown trout catches. Aquatic Sciences 69:11-25.
  • Berishvili G, D’Cotta H, Baroiller JF, Segner H, Reinecke M. (2006). Differential expression of IGF-I mRNA and peptide in the male and female gonad during early development of a bony fish, the tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. General and Comparative Endocrinology 146:204-210.
  • Burki R, Vermeirssen ELM, Körner O, Joris C., Burkhardt-Holm P, Segner H. (2006). Assessment of estrogenic exposure in brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a Swiss midland river: integrated analysis of passive samplers, wild and caged fish, and vitellogenin mRNA and protein. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25: 2077-2086.
  • Hoby, S., Schwarzenberger, F., Doherr, M.G., Robert, N., Walzer, C.(2006). Steroid hormone related male biased parasitism in chamois, Rupicapra r. rupicapra, Veterinary Parasitology 138, 337-348.
  • Hoby S, Walzer C, Slotta-Bachmayr L, Segner H, Robert N. 2006. Untersuchungen zur Pathologie von Wildungulaten im Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Österreich. Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 93:104-112.
  • Hutchinson T, Ankley GT, Segner H, Tyler CR. (2006). Screening and testing for endocrine disruption in fish – biomarkers as „signposts” not „traffic lights“ in risk assessment. Environmental Health Perspectives 114, supplement 1:106-114.
  • Knuesel R, Brandes K, Lechleitner S, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2006). Two independent cases of spontaneously occurring branchioblastomas in koi carp (Cyprinus carpio). Veterinary Pathology, 44(2): 237-239.
  • Kallivretaki E., Eggen R., Neuhauss S., Alberti M., Kausch U., Segner H. (2006) Aromatase in zebrafish: a potential target for endocrine disrupting chemicals. Marine Environmental Research 62 Suppl: S187-S190
  • Navas JM, Segner H. (2006). Vitellogenin synthesis in primary cultures of fish liver cells as endpoint for in vitro screening of the (anti)estrogenic activity of chemical substances. Aquatic Toxicology 80:1-22.
  • Rüegg S, Torgerson PR, Doherr M, Deplazes P, Böse R, Robert N. Walzer C (2006). Equine piroplasmosis at the reintroduction site of the Przewalski horse (Equus przewalskii) in Mongolia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 42(3):518-527.
  • Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P., Jakubek E.-B., Hård af Segerstad C., Bröjer C., Mörner T., Jansson D.S., Lundén A., Uggla A. (2006). Serological survey of Toxoplasma gondii infection in free-ranging Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from Sweden. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42(1): 182-187.
  • Shibly S, Schmidt P, Robert N, Walzer C, Uri A. (2006). Immunohistochemical screening for viral agents in cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) with myelopathy. Veterinary Record 159:557-561.
  • Segner H. (2006). Comment on “Lessons from endocrine disruption and their application to other issues concerning trace organics in the aquatic environment”. Environmental Science and Technology 40:1084-1085.
  • Segner H, Eppler E, Reinecke M. (2006). The impact of environmental hormonally active substances on the endocrine and immune systems of fish. In: Reinecke M, Zaccone G, Kapoor BG (eds). Fish Endocrinology. Science Publishers, Enfield (NH). pp. 809-865.
  • Zanolari, P., Konar, M., Tomek, A., Hoby, S., Meylan, M. (2006). Paraparesis in an adult alpaca with discospondylitis. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 20, 1256-1260.
  • Behrens A, Segner H (2005). Cytochrome P4501A induction in brown trout exposed to small streams of an urbanised area: results of a five-year-study. Environmental Pollution 136:231 242.
  • Burkhardt-Holm P, Giger W, Güttinger H, Ochsenbein U, Peter A, Scheurer K, Segner H, Staub E, Suter MJF (2005). Where have all the fish gone? Environmental Science and Technology 39:441 447A.
  • Burr SE, Pugovkin D, Wahli T, Segner H, Frey J. (2005). Attenuated virulence of an Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida type III secretion mutant in a rainbow trout model. Microbiology 151:2111 2118.
  • Clauss M, Robert N, WaIzer C, Vitaud C, Hummel J (2005): Testing predictions on body mass and gut contents: dissection of an African elephant Loxodonta africana Blumenbach 1797. European Journal of Wildlife Research 51(4):291 294.
  • Fenske M, Maack G, Schäfers C, Segner H (2005). Early life stage exposure and full life cycle expo-sure of zebrafish, Danio rerio, to an environmentally relevant concentration of 17a ethinylestradiol (EE2): effects on vitellogenin, gonad differentiation and reproduction. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24:1088 1098.
  • Heier A, Sonne C, Gröne A, Leifson PS, Dietz R, Born EW, Bacciarini LN (2005). An immunohisto-chemical study of retinol-binding protein (RBP) in livers of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from East greenland. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36:440 446.
  • Nehls S, Segner H (2005). Comet assay with the fish cell line rainbow trout gonad 2 for in vitro genotoxicity testing of xenobiotics and surface waters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24:2078-2087.
  • Nicolier A, Welle M, WaIzer C, Robert N (2005): Congenital follicular dysplasia in 5 related Coatimundis (Nasua nasua). Veterinary Dermatology 16:420 424.
  • Ortiz Delgado JB, Segner H, Sarasquete C (2005). Cellular distribution and induction of CYP1A following exposure of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, to waterborne and dietary benzo(a)pyrene and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin: an immunohistochemical approach. Aquatic Toxicology 75:144 161.
  • Rehmann P, Gröne A, Gottstein B, Völlm J, Sager H, Janovsky M, Bacciarini LN (2005). Detection of Echinococcus multilocularis infection in a colony of cynamolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) using serology and ultrasonography. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigations 17:183 186.
  • Rehmann P, Gröne A, Gottstein B, Sager H, Janowsky M, Bacciarini L. (2005) Alveolar echinoccoccosis in the Zoologicl Garden Basle. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 11:498-502.
  • Robert N, WaIzer C, Rüegg S, Baumgartner R (2005). Pathological investigations on reintroduced Przewalski Horses (Equus caballus przewalskii) in the Dsungarian Gobi. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36:273 285.
  • Robert N, Walzer C, Rüegg S, Kaczensky P, Ganbaatar O, Stauffer C (2005). Pathologic findings in reintroduced Przewalski's horses (Equus caballus przewalskii) in Southwestern Mongolia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36:273 285.
  • Ryser R, Scholl M, Zwahlen M, Oetliker M, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Breitenmoser U (2005). A remote controlled teleinjection system for the low-stress capture of large mammals. Wildlife Society Bulletin 13:721 730.
  • Ryser Degiorgis MP, Hofmann-Lehmann R, Leutenegger CM, Segerstad CF, Mörner T, Mattson R, Lutz H (2005). Epizootiological investigations of selected infectious disease agents in free-ranging Eurasian lynx from Sweden. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41:58 66.
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Pugovkin D, Wahli T (2005). Iridophoroma in a European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in Switzerland. Bulletin of the European Associaton of Fish Pathologists 25:36 39.
  • Segner H (2005). Developmental, reproductive, and demographic alterations in aquatic wildlife: establishing causality between exposure to endocrine-active compounds (EACs) and effects. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica 33:17 26.
  • Shved N, Berishvili G, D'Cotta H, Baroiller JF, Eppier E, Segner H, Reinecke M (2005). A survey on the expression of IGF-I in the early developing bony fish with special emphasis on the tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1040:469 471.
  • Soldati S, Kiupel M, Wise A, Maes R, Botteron C, Robert N (2005). Meningoencephalomyelitis caused by Neospora caninum in a juvenile fallow deer (Dama dama). Journal of Veterinary Medicine A 53:280 283.
  • Tobler M, Wahli T, Schlupp 1 (2005). Comparison of parasite communities in native and introduced populations of sexual and asexual mollies of the genus Poecilia. Journal of Fish Biology 67:10721082.
  • Vermeirssen ELM, Burki R, Joris C, Peter A, Segner H, Suter M, Burkhardt-Holm P (2005). Characterization of the estrogenicity of Swiss midland rivers using recombinant yeast bioassay and plasma vitellogenin concentration of feral male brown trout. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24:2226 2233.
  • Wahli T, Burr SE, Pugovkin D, Müller 0, Frey J (2005). Aeromonas sobria, a causative agent of disease in farmed perch, Perca fluviatilis L. Journal of Fish Diseases 28:141 150.
  • Bacciarini LN, Gottstein B, Pagan 0, Rehmann P, Gröne A (2004). Hepatic alveolar echinococcosis in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Veterinary Pathology 41:229 234.
  • Bernet D, Schmidt Posthaus, H., Wahli, T, Burkhardt Holm P (2004) Evaluation of two monitoring approaches to assess effects of waste water disposal on histological alterations in fish. Hydrobiologia 524: 53 66.
  • Bernet D, Wahli T, Kueng Q Segner H (2004). Frequent and unexplained gonadal abnormalities in whitefish (central alpine Coregonus sp.) from an alpine oligotrophic lake in Switzerland. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 61:137 148.
  • Fenske M, Segner H. (2004). Aromatase modulation alters gonadal differentiation in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology 67:105 126.
  • Kolly C, Bidaut A, Robert N (2004). Cardiac rhabdomyoma in a juvenile fallow deer (Dama dama). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40:603 606.
  • Maack G, Segner H (2004). Life stage dependent sensitivity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to estrogen exposure. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 139C:47 55.
  • Navas JM, Zanuy S, Segner H, Carillo M. (2004). ß naphthoflavone alters normal plasma levels of vitellogenin, 17ß luteinizing hormone in sea bass broodstock. Aquatic Toxicology 67:337 345.
  • Navas JM, Chana A, Herradon B, Segner H (2004). Induction of cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) by clotrimazole, a non planar aromatic compound. Computational studies on structural features of clotrimazole and related imidazole derivatives. Life Sciences 76:699 714.
  • Oevermann A, Zanolari P, Pfyffer GE, Meylan M, Robert N (2004). Generalized tuberculosis in liamas (Lama glama) due to Mycobacterium microti. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42:1818 1821.
  • Segner H (2004). Cytotoxicity assay with fish cells as an alternative to the acute lethality assay with fish. ATLA Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 32:375 382.
  • Soldati S, Kiupel M, Wise A, Maes R, Botteron Q Robert N (2004). Meningoencephalomyelitis caused by Neospora caninum in a juvenile fallow deer (Dama dama). Journal of Veterinary Medicine A 51:280 283.
  • Bacciarini L, Börlin P, Straub R, Frey J, Gröne A (2003). Immunohistochemical localization of Clostridium perfringens ß2-toxin in the gastrointestinal tract of horses. Veterinary Pathology 40: 376-381.
  • Burr SE, Wahli T, Segner H, Pugovkin D, Frey J (2003). Association of Type III secretion genes with virulence of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 57:167-171.
  • Castano A, Bols NC, Braunbeck T, Dierickx P, Halder M, Isomaa B, Kawahara K, Lee LEJ, Mothersill C, Pärt P, Repetto G, Sintes JR, Rufli H, Smith R, Wood C, Segner H. 2003. The use of fish cells in ecotoxicology. The report and recommendations of ECVAM workshop. ATLA 31:317-351.
  • Eggen RIL, Segner H (2003). The potential of mechanism-based bioanalytical tools in ecotoxico-logical exposure and effect assessment. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 377:386-396.
  • Heier A, Gröne A, Völlm J, Kübber-Heis A, Bacciarini LN (2003). Immunohistochemical study of retinol-binding protein in livers of Polar Bears (Thalarctos maritimus). Veterinary Pathology 40:196-202.
  • Knuesel R, Segner H, Wahli T (2003). A survey of viral diseases in farmed and feral salmonids. Journal of Fish Diseases 26: 167-182.
  • Maack G, Segner H (2003). Morphological development of the gonads in zebrafish. Journal of Fish Biology 62:895-906.
  • Maack G, Segner H, Tyler CR 2003. Ontogeny of sexual differentiation in different strains of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 27: 122-16.
  • Navas JM, Chana A, Herradon B, Segner H (2003). Induction of CYP1A by the N-imidazole derivative, 1-benzylimidazole. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22:830-836
  • Oevermann A, Engels M, Thomas U, Pellegrini A (2003). The antiviral activity of natural occurring proteins and their peptide fragments after chemical modification. Antiviral Research 59: 23-33.
  • Oevermann A, Pfyffer GE, Zanolari P, Meylan M, Robert N (2003). Generalized tuberculosis in llamas (Lama guanicoe f. glama) due to Mycobacterium microti. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. In press
  • Rehmann P, Gröne A, Lawrenz A, Pagan O, Gottstein B, Bacciarini LN (2003). Echinococcus multilocularis in two lowland gorillas (Gorilla g. gorilla). Journal of Comparative Pathology 129: 85-88.
  • Schubiger C, Segner H, Wahli T (2003). PKD: Die Proliferative Nierenerkrankung bei Fischen. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 145: 471-481.
  • Segner H, Braunbeck T. 2003. End points for in vitro toxicity testing with fish cells. In: Mothersill C, Austin B (eds). In vitro methods in aquatic toxicology. Springer Praxis, Chichester. pp. 77-141.
  • Segner H, Caroll K, Fenske M, Janssen CR, Maack G, Pascoe D, Schäfers C, Vandenbergh GF, Watts M, Wenzel A (2003). Identification of endocrine disrupting effects in aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates: report from the European IDEA project. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 54:302-314.
  • Segner H, Navas JM, Schäfers C, Wenzel A (2003). Potencies of estrogenic compounds in in vitro screening assays and in life cycle tests with zebrafish in vivo. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 54:315-322.
  • Segner H (2003). The need for integrated monitoring programmes on endocrine disruption. Pure and Applied Chemistry 75:1685-1691.
  • Stuber K, Burr SE, Braun M, Wahli T, Frey J (2003). Type III secretion genes in Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida are located on a large thermolabile virulence plasmid. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 41(8), 3854-3856.
  • Triebskorn R, Adam S, Behrens A, Beier S, Böhmer J, Braunbeck T, Casper H, Dietze U, Gernhöfer M, Honnen W, Köhler HR, Konradt J, Lehmann R, Luckenbach T, Oberemm A, Schwaiger J, Segner H, Strmac M, Schüürmann G, Siligato S, Traunspurger W (2003). Establishing causality between pollution and effects at different levels of biological organization: the VALIMAR project. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 9:171-194.
  • Wahli T, Verlhac V, Girling P, Gabaudan J, Aebischer C (2003). Influence of dietary vitamin C on the wound healing process in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 225, 371-386.
  • Aschfalk A, Bacciarini LN (2002). Carcinoid in the lung of a hooded seal (Cystophora cristata). Veterinary Record 151:770-772.
  • Bernet D, Wahli T (2002). First report of SVC infection in koi carp in Switzerland. Bulletin of European Association of Fish Pathologists 22(3):229-231.
  • Braun M, Stuber K, Schlatter Y, Wahli T, Kuhnert P, Frey J (2002). Characterization of an ADP-Ribosyltransferase Toxin (AexT) from Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. Journal of Bacteriology 184:1851-1858.
  • Burkhardt-Holm P, Peter A, Segner H (2002). Decline of fish catch in Switzerland. The project Fishnet – a balance between analysis and synthesis. Aquatic Sciences 64:36-54.
  • Giacometti M, Janovsky M, Belloy L, Frey J (2002). Infectious keratoconjunctivitis of ibex, chamois and other Caprinae. Revue Scientifique et Technique de l’Office International des Epizooties 21:335-345.
  • Giacometti M, Janovsky M, Jenny H, Nicolet J, Belloy L, Goldschmid-Clermont E, Frey J (2002). Mycoplasma conjunctivae infection is not maintained in alpine chamois in eastern Switzerland. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 38:297-304.
  • Janovsky M, Bacciarini LN, Sager H, Gröne A, Gottstein B (2002). Echinococcus multilocularis in an European beaver from Switzerland. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 38:618-620.
  • Lange A, Ausseil O, Segner H (2002). Alterations of tissue glutathione levels and metallothionein mRNA in rainbow trout during single and combined exposure to cadmium and zinc. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 131C:231-245.
  • Ortiz-Delgado JB, Sarasquete C, Behrens A, Gonzalez de Canales ML, Segner H (2002). Expression, cellular distribution and induction of cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) in gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, brain. Aquatic Toxicology 60:269-283.
  • Quabius ES, Nolan DT, Segner H, Wendelaar Bonga SE (2002). Confinement stress and starvation modulate the induction of EROD activity after dietary exposure to PCB 126 in the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 25:109-119.
  • Ryser-Degiorgis M-P, Ryser A, Bacciarini LN, Angst Ch, Gottstein B, Janovsky M, Breitenmoser U (2002). Notoedric and sarcoptic mange in free-ranging lynx from Switzerland. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 38 (1). 228-232.
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Breitenmoser-Würsten C, Posthaus H, Bacciarini L, Breitenmoser U (2002). Causes of mortality in reintroduced Eurasian lynx in Switzerland. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 38 (1): 84-92.
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Wahli T (2002). First report of Ichthyophonus hoferi infection in wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Switzerland. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 3: 225-228.
  • Wahli T (2002). Approaches to investigate environmental impacts on fish health. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 22: 126-132.
  • Wahli T, Knuesel R, Bernet D, Segner H, Pugovkin D, Burkhardt-Holm P, Escher M, Schmidt-Posthaus H (2002). Proliferative Kidney Disease in Switzerland: Current state of knowledge. Journal of Fish Diseases 25: 491-500.
  • Walzer C, Kübber-Heis A, Robert N (2002). A simple field method for spinal cord removal demonstrated in the cheetah (Acynonyx jubartes). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 14:76-79.
  • Behrens A, Schirmer K, Bols NC, Segner H (2001). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as inducers of cytochrome P4501A enzyme activity in the rainbow trout cell line, RTL-W1, and in primary cultures of rainbow trout hepatocytes. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20:632-643.
  • Behrens A, Segner H (2001). Hepatic biotransformation enzymes of fish exposed to non-point source pollution in small streams. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery 8:281-297.
  • Belloy L, Giacometti M, El-Mostafa A, Nicolet J, Krawinkler M, Janovsky M, Bruderer U, Frey J (2001). Detection of specific Mycoplasma conjunctivae antibodies in the sera of sheep with infectious keratoconjunctivitis. Veterinary Research 32 (2):155-164.
  • Bernet D, Schmidt H, Wahli T, Burkhardt-Holm P (2001). Auswirkungen von geklärtem Abwasser auf infektiöse Krankheiten bei der Bachforelle (Salmo trutta L.) [Effects of treated domestic waste water on infectious agents in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.)]. Fischökologie12: 1-16.
  • Bernet D, Schmidt H, Wahli T, Burkhardt-Holm P (2001). Effluent from a sewage treatment works causes changes in serum chemistry values of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 48: 140-147.
  • Coen W de, Janssen CR, Segner H (2001). The use of biomarkers in Daphnia magna toxicity testing. V. In vivo alterations in the carbohydrate metabolism of Daphnia magna exposed to sublethal concentrations of mercury and lindane. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 48:223-234.
  • Dietze U, Braunbeck T, Honnen W, Köhler HR, Schwaiger J, Segner H, Triebskorn R, Schüürmann G (2001). Chemometric discrimination between streams based on chemical, limnological and biological data taken from freshwater fishes and their interrelationships. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery 8:319-336.
  • Fenske M, van Aerle R, Brack S, Tyler CR, Segner H (2001). Development and validation of a homologous zebrafish vitellogenin ELISA and its application for studies on estrogenic chemicals. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C 129:217-232.
  • Giacometti M, Janovsky M, Fluch G, Arnold W, Schober F (2001). A technique to implant heart rate transmitters in red deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin (2)
  • Janovsky M, Frey J, Nicolet J, Belloy L, Goldschmidt-Clermont E, Giacometti M (2001). Mycoplasma conjunctivae infection is self-maintained in the Swiss domestic sheep population. Vet. Microbiol. 83, 11-22.
  • Knops M, Altenburger R, Segner H (2001). Alterations of physiological energetics, growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna under toxicant stress. Aquatic Toxicology 53:79-90.
  • Madigou T, Le Goff P, Salbert G, Cravedi JP, Segner H, Pakdel F, Valotaire Y (2001). Estrogenic potency of nonylphenol and its metabolites: effects of estrogen receptor conformation and transcriptional activity and long-term effects on sexual reversion and gonadal structure in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology 53:173-186
  • Navas JM, Segner H (2001). Estrogen-mediated suppression of cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) expression in rainbow trout hepatocytes: role of estrogen receptor. Chemico-Biological Interactions 138:285-298.
  • Nehls S, Segner H (2001). Detection of DNA damage in two cell lines from rainbow trout, RTG-2 and RTL-W1, using the comet assay. Environmental Toxicology 16:325-333.
  • Pugovkin D, Felleisen R, Wahli T (2001). A PCR-based method for the detection of Tetrahymena corlissi contamination of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in vitro culture. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish. Pathol. 21(6). 222.
  • Schmidt-Posthaus H, Bernet D, Wahli T, Burkhardt-Holm P (2001). Morphological organ alterations and infectious diseases in brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) exposed to polluted river water. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 44: 161-170.
  • Segner H, Chesne C, Cravedi JP, Fauconneau B, Houlihan D, LeGac F, Loir M, Mothersill C, Pärt P, Valotaire Y (2001). Cellular approaches for diagnostic effects assessment in ecotoxicology: introductory remarks to an EU-funded project. Aquatic Toxicology 53:153-158.
  • Segner H, Cravedi JP (2001). Metabolic activity in primary cultures of fish hepatocytes. ATLA 29:251-257.
  • Sturm A, Cravedi JP, Perdu E, Baradat M, Segner H (2001). Effects of prochloraz and nonylphenol diethoxylate on hepatic biotransformation enzymes in trout: a comparative in vitro/in vivo assessment using cultured hepatocytes. Aquatic Toxicology 53:229-245.
  • Sturm A, Cravedi JP, Segner H (2001). Prochloraz and nonylphenol diethoxylate inhibit an mdr1-like activity in vitro, but do not alter hepatic levels of P-glycoprotein in rainbow trout exposed in vivo. Aquatic Toxciology 53:215-228.
  • Sturm A, Ziemann C, Hirsch-Ernst K, Segner H (2001). Expression and functional activity of P-glycoprotein in cultured hepatocytes from rainbow trout. American Journal of Physiology 281:R1119-R1126.
  • Triebskorn R, Böhmer J, Braunbeck T, Honnen W, Köhler HR, Lehmann R, Oberemm A, Schwaiger J, Segner H, Schüürmann G, Traunspurger W (2001). The project VALIMAR: objectives, experimental design, summary of project results, and recommendations for the application of biomarkers in risk assessment. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery 8:161-178.
  • Wogram J, Sturm A, Segner H, Liess M (2001). Effects of parathion on acetylcholin-esterase, butyrylcholinesterase and carboxylcholinesterase in three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) following short-term exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20:1528-1531.
  • Brack W, Altenburger R, Ensenbach U, Nehls S, Segner H, Schüürmann G (2000). Wirkungsorientierte Identifikation toxischer organischer Inhaltsstoffe in Flußsedimenten. In: Friese K, Witter B, Miehlich G, Rode M (eds). Stoffhaushalt in Auenökosystemen. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York. pp. 337-346.
  • Brack W, Paschke A, Segner H, Wennrich R, Schüürmann G (2000). Urease inhibition: a tool for toxicity identification in sediment elutriates. Chemosphere 40, 829-834.
  • Brack W, Segner H, Möder M, Schüürmann G (2000). Fixed-effect-level toxicity equivalents – a suitable parameter for assessing ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase induction potency in complex environmental samples. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19, 2493-2501.
  • Burkhardt-Holm P, Wahli T, Meier W (2000). Nonylphenol affects the granulation pattern of epidermal mucous cells in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Ecotoxicological and Environmental Safety 46, 34-40
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  • Garcia-Ortega A, Verreth J, van Hoornyk A, Segner H (2000). Heat treatment affects protein quality and protease activity in decapsulated cysts of Artemia when used as starter food for larvae of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell). Aquaculture Nutrition 6, 25-31.
  • Garcia-Ortega, Verreth J, Segner H (2000). Post-prandial protease activity in the digestive tract of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, larvae fed decapsulated cysts of Artemia. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 22, 237-244.
  • Giacometti M, Frey J, Abdo, E.-M, Janovsky M, Krawinkler M, Schlatter Y, Belloy L, Fatzer R, Nicolet J (2000). Gemsblindheit. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 142 (5), 235-240
  • Janovsky M, Tataruch F, Ambuehl M, Giacometti M (2000). A Zoletil®-Rompun® mixture as an alternative to the use of opioids for immobilization of feral red deer. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 36(4), 663-669.
  • Jung K, Kaletta K, Schröter H, Segner H (2000). 15N-Stoffwechseltest zur Bestimmung akuter phytotoxischer Wirkungen. In: Formin A, Arndt U, Elsner D, Klumpp A (eds). Bioindikation - Biologische Testverfahren. Verlag Günter Heimbach, Stuttgart. pp.193-197.
  • Kloas W, Schrag B, Ehnes C, Segner H (2000). Binding of xenobiotics to hepatic estrogen receptor and plasma sex steroid binding protein in the teleost fish, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). General and Comparative Endocrinology 119, 287-299.
  • Lamche G, Burkhardt-Holm P (2000). Changes in apoptotic rate and cell viability in three fish epidermis cultures after exposure to nonylphenol and to a wastewater sample containing low concentrations of nonylphenol. Biomarker 5(3). 205-218.
  • Lamche G, Burkhardt-Holm P (2000). Nonylphenol provokes a vesiculation of the golgi apparatus in three fish epidermis cultures. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 47: 137-148.
  • Müller E, Braunbeck T, Honnen H, Köhler HR, Oberemm A, Schüürmann G, Schwaiger J, Segner H, Triebskorn R (2000). Der BMBF-Verbund VALIMAR: Validierung und Einsatz biologischer, chemischer und mathematischer Tests und Biomarkerstudien zur Bewertung der Belastung kleiner Fliessgewässer mit Umweltchemikalien. In: Formin A, Arndt U, Elsner D, Klumpp A (eds). Bioindikation - Biologische Testverfahren. Verlag Günter Heimbach, Stuttgart. pp. 147-155.
  • Navas JM, Segner H (2000). Antiestrogenicity of ß-naphthoflavone and PAHs in cultured rainbow trout hepatocytes: evidence for a role of the arylhydrocarbon receptor. Aquatic Toxicology 51, 79-92.
  • Navas JM, Segner H (2000). Modulation of trout 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity by estradiol and octylphenol. Marine Environmental Research 50, 157-162.
  • Sarasquete C, Segner H (2000). Cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) in teleostean fishes. A review of immunohistochemical studies. The Science of the Total Environment 247, 313-332.
  • Segner H, Behrens A, Joyce EM, Schirmer K, Bols NC (2000). Transient induction of 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity by medium change in the rainbow trout liver cell line, RTL-W1. Marine Environmental Research 50: 489-493.
  • Stoffel MH, Wahli T, Friess AE, Burkhardt-Holm P (2000). Exposure of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to nonylphenol is associated with an increased chloride cell fractional surface area. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 142(5), 263-267.
  • Sturm A, Wogram J, Segner H, Liess M (2000). Different sensitivity to organophosphates of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase from three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). applications in biomonitoring. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19, 1607-1615.